My Vocabulary
on yargi , without any prejudice , execute with extreme prejudice v. yargısız infaz yapmak overcome the prejudice f. önyargıyı yıkmakprejudice- free s. ön yargıdan uzak without prejudice of ed önyargısı olmadan free of any sort of
prejudice her türlü ön yargıdan uzak
prejudice is ignorance önyargı cahilliktir racial prejudice ırkç ı önyargı
qarismaq,mudaxile etmek,burnunu soxmaq Don't interfere in other people's a"airs. I have the right to interfere. Some people think the Church shouldn't interfere in politics. If you try and interfere in my life, I'll leave.
belli,belirli there is a definite connection between hard work and succes. become definite v. kesinleşmek Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? It's too soon to give a definite answer. I need a definite answer.
get carried away
kendini kaptirmak , don't get carried away Don't get carried away with romantic notions.
zovq,zovq almaq,hosnut olmak,memnun olmaq , delighted - mutlu , Tom will be delighted to hear that. We're delighted with the result. delight in f. -den zevk almak take delight f. haz almak delight of co"ee i. kahve keyfi palatal delight i. damak tadı shrieks of delight i. sevinç ç ığlıkları delightsomeone by something birisini memnun/hoşnut etmek
customer delight müşteri memnuniyeti We delight in the beauties of nature.
yalanlamaq,inkar etmek Objection denied. Tom denied the accusation. deny having had sexual intercourse with someone f. c inselilişkiye girdiğini inkar etmek deny one's heart f. kalbinin/vicdanının sesini dinlememek deny one's identity f. aslını reddetmek denysomething to someone f. mahrum etmek
deny the allegations f. iddiaları yalanlamak i can neither confirm nor deny that bunu ne onaylayabilirim ne de
reddederim No one can deny the fact that fire burns. It's only too easy for them to deny responsibility.
tetil yeri , bas vurmaq,- a siginmaq,el atmaq Don't resort to violence. resort to Allah .resort to physical force have resort to f. başvurmakresort to Allah f. Allah'a sığınmak resort to physical force f. fiziksel güç kullanmak resort to violence f. şiddet göstermek last resort i. sonçare place of resort i. buluşma yeri
in the last resort zf. son çare olara
subhe,subhelenmek,zenn etmek No one suspected him. We suspect poisoning. arrest the suspect cause somebody to suspect f. şüphelendirmek do you doubt/suspect it ? şüphen mi var? The suspect has dark hair and green eyes I suspect he is a thief. He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
approach with suspicion , Please approach with caution. approach (an issue) from the right angle, approach more seriously , take a di"erent approach to something , overall approach - genel yaklasim , scientific approach- bilimsel yaklaşım approach cautiously f. temkinli yaklaşmak
approach something from a di"erent standpoint f. olaya başka bir açıdan yaklaşmak approach with suspicion f. şüpheyle yaklaşmak As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left. We must approach the problem from a di"erent standpoint.
no hard feelings
darilmaca/kusmek yok ama
immediately afterwards
hemen sonrasinda,hemen ardindan
heyran qalmaq,cox beyenmek Anne has many admirers. Everybody admired his courage. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing. Iadmire the e"ective use of colour in her paintings.
komek etmek,komek aid someone in doing something .aidfinancially . do first aid v. ilk yardım yapmak aid and abet f. suçaortak olmak appeal for aid f. yardım başvurusunda bulunmak callfor aid f. yardım çağrısı yapmak do first aid f. ilk yardım yapmak aidcampaign i. yardım kampanyası deaf- aid i. işitme c ihazı first aid kiti. ilk yardım çantası
Humanitarian aid is being sent to the refugees.
varliq,olma,bulunma Her presence is important to me.He noticed my presence.feel the presence of somethingin. the presence of ..- inhuzurunda come into someone's presence f. huzuruna ç ıkmak divine presence i. ilahi mevcudiyet
physical presence i. fiziksel varlık in the presence of ed. - in huzurunda in the presence of the witnesses tanıkların huzurunda saving your presence sözüm meclis
He hardly seemed to notice my presence.
yoxsulluq Tom grew up in poverty.Many diseases result from poverty. alleviate the poverty f. fakirliği azaltmak live in poverty f. yoksulluk çekmek extreme poverty i. aşırı yoksulluk
Poverty and love are hard to hide.
cehd etmek,kalkismak,tesebbus attempt suicide make an attempt to escape All of my attempts have failed. attempt against someone's life f.birinin hayatına kastetmek attempt suicide f. intihar teşebbüsünde bulunmak attempt to do the impossible f. iğne ile kuyu kazmak make anattempt to escape f. kaçmayı denemek lynch attempt i. linç etme girişimi
make an attempt on someone's life öldürmeye çalışmak attempt against life cana kast etme attempt to avoid tax vergi kaçakçılığınateşebbüs
selahiyyet,yetki be under the authority of... have authority to You have exceeded your authority. be under someone's
authority f. yetkisinde olmak exceed one's authority f. yetkisini aşmak She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses Could I speak to someone in authority please? Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.
texribat,yox etme,mehv etme The destruction of the ozone layer a"ects the environment. destruction and reconstruction The fire caused the destruction of my books. The hurricane left a a trail of destruction behind it.
duzensizlik,bozukluk,qarisiqliq behaviour disorder .personality disorder. The room was in disorder. articulation disorder
i. tela"uz bozukluğu behaviour disorder i. davranış bozukluğu nervous disorder i. asap bozukluğu
kucumsemek,hafife almak never underestimate the power of a few azınlığın gücünü asla yabana atma don't underestimate yourself kendini hafife alma Never underestimate your power to change yourself You shouldn't underestimate his abilities.
bolunme,bolum,parca,pay mitotic division . division of opinion fikir ayrılığı division of property - mal paylaşımı go into division f. ikiye ayrılmak divisionof labor i. iş bölümü division of property i. malların paylaşımı division sign i. bölme işareti division of opinion fikir ayrılığı political division siyasal bölüm
gorunuse gore Apparently it's going to rain today. Apparently the company is losing a lot of money. Apparently it's cheaper to fly than to go by train.Apparently, he has a son, but he's kept that very dark.
hayal kirikligi,sinir bozulma,husrana ugramak I was really frustrated(h). That part is frustrating(s) This is the place that we frustrate enemy. The prisoner made a frustrate attempt to escape.
yonetmek,idare elemek govern a country v. ülke yönetmek govern the society v. toplumu yönetmek right to govern i. yönetme hakkı govern by means of yoluyla yönetmek He couldn't govern his temper. Who govern this country?
rahatlatmaq,hafifletmek I feel relieved , relieve one's pain - acisini dinirdmek. relieve anxiety - endisesini gidermek , relieve the stress , relieve of f. - den kurtarmak relieve one's burden f. yükünü haifletmek relieve the abdominal pain f. karın ağrısını geçirmek relieve the pain f. ağrıyı dindirmek relieve the stress f. stresi dindirm
relieve tiredness f. yorgunluk atmak relieve one of one's duties işten ç ıkarmak
etibar,sohret,ad,saygi Tom has a bad reputation. gain a reputation.destroy one's reputation , build (up) a reputation- itibar kazanmak , damage one's reputation - itibarını zedelemek (someone's reputation) be ruined f. iki paralık olmak acquire a reputation f. itibar kazanmak build a reputation f. itibar yapmak gain a reputation f. itibar kazanmak
have a bad reputation f. kötü bir ünü olmak This restaurant has a fine reputation.
kraliyet , royal family n. kraliyet ailesi , royal palace n. kraliyet sarayı there is no royal road to learning öğrenmenin kolay yolu yoktur by royalcommand zf. kralın emriyle
kole,qul Lincoln granted liberty to slaves.I'm not your slave.He treats me like his slave She treated her daughter like a slave. I'm tired of being treated like a slave! My boss is a real slave driver. We prefer to die a hero, rather than live a slave.
vetendas a c itizen of born a c itizen of become a c itizen foreign c itizen i. yabancı vatandaş Every c itizen
may c laim the protection of the law. He became a British c itizen, thereby gaining the right to vote. She became a US c itizen.
elan etmek,beyan etmek He was declared guilty. declare war.declare a state of emergenc y announce/declare the test scores/results f.sınav sonuçlarını açıklamak declare a state of emergenc y f. acil durum ilan etmek declare one's love f. aşkını ilan etmek declare to thepublic f. kamuya ilan etmek declare void f. geçersiz ifade etmek
declare war on someone savaş ilan etmek declare one's independence bağımsızlığını ilan etmek I declare you man and wife. I declare thisbridge open.
ustelik ,hem deki ,bir de ki His house is small and moreover it's old. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect. The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate.
devasa,muthis enormous danger.That plane is enormous! enormous contribution i. büyük katkı enormous danger i. büyük tehlike enormouspleasure i. büyük zevk enormous success i. büyük başarı He had enormous charm and a great sense of humour. Germany produced enormousquantities of coal, iron and steel.
He earned enormous sums of money. In my dream I flew to a forest of enormous trees.
onemini belirtmek,vurgulamaq , want to emphasize - vurgulamak istemek , She emphasized the importance of education. I want to emphasize this point in particular. especially emphasize f. üzerinde özellikle durmak I must emphasize the fact that they are only children.
olaganustu,fekalade extraordinary abilities.extraordinary speed. extraordinary strength do extraordinary things f. olağanüstü şeyler yapmak extraordinary success i. olağanüstü başarı extraordinary situation olağanüstü hal extraordinary skills olağanüstü yetenekler What an extraordinary idea.
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
def,yas,cenaze attend the funeral v. cenazeye katılmak , go to one’s funeral , it's your funeral sen bilirsin (sonuçlarına sen katlanırsın) , be apallbearer at one's funeral f. cenazesinde tabutunu taşımak funeral coach i. cenaze aracı a week after the funeral cenazeden bir haftasonra
it's your funeral senin bileceğin iş (sonuçlarına sen katlanırsın) be late for one's own funeral her yere/şeye geç kalmak Hundreds of people attended the funeral.
get mad
delirmek(esebden) get mad easily f. kolay sinirlenmek get mad quickly f. çabuk sinirlenmek don't get mad at me bana kızma get one's mad up birini ç ileden ç ıkarmak Don't get mad, I was only kidding. Don't get mad. It was an accident.
eski,evvelki Our former home was in Sweden.Tom is a former paratrooper. be a shadow of one's former self f. eski halinden çok düşmüşolmak restore to the former rank f. önceki durumuna getirmek former head i. eksi başkan one's former glory eski ihtişamı In former times,people used to fight with swords.
He'll go to great lengths to get his child back from his former wife.
direnmek,dozmek resist pain.water resist .Stop resisting! They resisted the invaders. Resistance is futile- karsi koymanin faydasi yok ,
orataya c ixarmaq , reveal a lie , Tom revealed his secret. He didn't reveal his identity. reveal one's secret , I threatened to reveal his secret. ,
nagil,masal fairy tale n. peri masalı. It is a very sad tale.have a tale to tell
siddetli,qezebli There was a violent storm at sea. become violent - coşmak , Free Admission- giris ucretsiz ,
giris icazesi Admission to students only. Admission was free.
suclamak,gunahlandirmaq don't blame yourself .don't you blame this on me , I blame myself ,
- a baxmayaraq,- a ragmen could not be saved despite all medical e"orts , I love him despite his faults , despite all - tum bunlara ragmen , Despite all his fame, he is not happy
sergilemek exhibit a behavior- davranış göstermek,exhibit attitude- tutum sergilemek
kibarca,nazikce gentle words- kibar sözler,gentle touch , Please be gentle , gentle touch- hafifçe dokunuş
hafif,yungul Tom knocked lightly.dress lightly.take lightly - hafife almak
kin,inad out of spite- nispet iç in,in spite of - e rağmen
sui istfde etmek He abused my confidence.He abuses his authority.
kotuye kullanmak,sui istfde etmek , abuse of faith- inancın kötüye kullanılması ,
pulu catmaq,imkani catmaq Can we a"ord this?can a"ord to.. pulu catmaq,gucu catmaq
qarsilasmaq,uz uze gelmek We encountered many dićculties.That was our first encounter. Today, many problems were encountered- Bugün birçok sorunla karşılaşıldı. He encountered a friend on the road.
borc .. in debt,clear debt,debt of honor , She guaranteed his debts - 0 onun borcuna kefil oldu
comert,eli aciq Meg always acts generously.
ikna etmek,inandirmaq Tom's explanation sounded convincing. How did you convince them?
terkibi Flour is the main ingredient in cakes.
israr etmek Tom insists on seeing you. if you insist - madem ısrar ediyorsun
qarisiqliq,qarismaq,pislik Your home is a mess.don't mess with my business
qarsi c ixmaq Does anyone oppose the new plan? oppose the law- kanuna karşı ç ıkmak
mehkemeye vermek I will sue you. sue for a divorce sue against v. aleyhinde dava açmak
(enzaytii) narahat,narahatciliq He caused his parents a lot of anxiety. create anxiety - kaygı uyandırmak , future anxiety ,
(kaa;aav) ic ini ovmaq,kesmek carve a pumpkin , He carved me a wooden doll.
muraciet etmek,bas vurmaq consult a doctor/physician v. , consult with v. görüş alışverişinde bulunmak , consult on danışmak , Tomshould consult an expert. I consulted Tom.- toma danistim ,
ilk,baslangic That was my initial thought. I initially hated it. I initially hated it. - baslangicda onnan nefret edirdim, Tom initially agreed- Tom başlangıçta kabul etti.
guclu,yogun,gergin,asiri su"er from intense pain .intense jealousy n. aşırı kıskançlık , draw intense interest - yogun ilgi gormek , Tom is still in intensive care. - Tom hala yogun bakimda , It was July. The heat was intense.
qurur,qurur duymaq pride ..... on - ... ile ovunmek We took pride in our strength. He prided himself on his punctuality. experience the pride of - qururjunu yasamaq , fill somebody with pride - qurur vermek , pride on - ovunmek . My pride's not hurt.- gururum incimis degil . She prided herself on having won first prize.
firlanma,firlanmaq My head is spinning.Let's go for a spin around the park.
(tayni) ince,minicik,ufacik The baby held out his tiny hand. Mary is already 25 years old, but she has a tiny voice.
gorunur,bariz,asikar Tom is in no apparent pain.Apparently it worked- Görünüşe göre işe yaradı.
islemek,etmek commit a murder- c inayet işlemek,He commited suicide.
ek iwde caliwma,elave iw
apaciq ortada it seems pretty obvious - durum apaçık ortada
siddetli,agir be in severe pain - acılar iç inde kıvranmak,severe injury - ağır yaralanma , su"er a severe trauma - agir travma gecirmek, He severely criticized the mayor.- Belediyye baskanini sert bicimde elestirdi
emmek,icine cekmek Cotton absorbs water. He was absorbed in the book.
hesr etmek - devote to ... | Her father devoted his life to science.She devoted her life to education.
qazmaq Dig a deep hole. Keep digging.dig a grave - mezar kazmak
dad.lezzet This drink has a really di"erent flavor.This medicine has a terrible flavor.
get through
(get sszruuu ) atlatmak,gecirmek | I'll get through it.- Ben bunu atlatacağım.
baglanti qurmaq , elaqe salxlamaq telefonla We managed to get through to each other.- Birbirimizle temasa geçmeyi başardık. I can't get throughto her.- onunla baglanti saglayamiyorum
temel,qurum,esas The rumor was without foundation.- soylenenler esassizdir , Columns provide a solid foundation. Respect is the foundation of life - saygi yasamin temelidir , This house has a solid foundation. These c laims lack a scientific foundation. Weak foundations caused the house to subside.
tutacaq,ele almaq handle a relationship - ilişki sürdürmek. umbrella handle - şemsiyenin sapı . can you handle it? bunun üstesinden gelebilir misin?
palciq,camur throw mud at somebody (birisine) çamur atmak play in the mud v. çamur iç inde oynamak
purussuz He has smooth hands. Her skin is smooth. smooth surface
mutevazi,alcakgonullu live a humble life- mütevazı bir hayat yaşamak,Despite his achievements, he is very humble and doesn't boast aboutthem. in my humble opinion - nacizane fikrime, gorusume gore , Eat a humble pie - tupurduyunu yalamaq,sehvini boynuna almaq
torpaq,zemin Worms are sometimes beneficial to soil. Nothing seems to grow in this soil.
qizdirma do you have a fever? i have a fever . bring the fever down.
grip I caught the flu. I got the flu. ,It's flu season. ,
(c jesce) jest,mimika gesture and facial expression - jest ve mimik . make a gesture , Tom gestured for Mary to sit down. Gesture is another way of communication.
kesmek,araya girmek i'm sorry to interrupt you but ... interrupt one's sleep .i don't mean to interrupt you
benzerlik,benzetme family likeness n. aile benzerliği
elave etmek,birlesdirmek,baglamaq attach great importance- çok önem vermek , They attached great importance to c leanliness. Attach the two cables together.He is deeply attached to her.- o ona ondan derinden baglidir
merc ,merclesmek bet on horses at the race track.I don't bet on it
at arabasi
(eankwiss) Tom seems anxious. I am anxious about the future. (endiseli , kaygili)
(kritisayyz) elestirmek,tenqid etmek it's not my place to criticize you . strongly criticize ,c ritic ize harshly - sert eleştirilerde bulunmak , criticizesharply - ağır biçimde eleştirmek, self- criticize- özeleştiri yapmak ,
xerc ,masraf list of expense . be worth the expense. bear the expense - masrafını karşılamak. go to great expense - büyük masrafa girmek ,
baslica,bas,esas,ilk prime target - asıl hedef , prime purpose - ana amaç , prime suspect - birinci derece şüpheli , prime of life - hayatın en dinç ve güzel devresi , You're in your prime - Hayatının baharındasın , Tom died in his prime. - Tom hayatinin baharinda oldu .
smen ,novbe, deyisdirmek The wind has shifted. Tom works the night shift. Tom shifted his hat. automatic shift - otomatik vites , shift the blame - suçu başkasının üstüne atmak , shift responsibility - sorumluluğu üstünden atmak , make shift elde olanlarla yetinmek, elindekilerle yetinmek
(sinsiiee) semimi,icten We acted sincerely. Tom is a sincere person. I sincerely hope it won't come to that.
maraqli,maraqlanmaq,qeribe watch with curious eyes, by the way i'm just curious , Tom looked at it curiously.
gecikme The train was delayed because of snow. apologize for delay- gecikme iç in özür dilemek , delay the signs of aging - yaşlanmabelirtilerini geciktirmek , delay the payment - ödemeyi geciktirmek ,
inanc ,iman,inam lose one's faith. Always keep the faith. Dogs are faithful - kopekler sadiktir , I've lost faith in you.- Sana olan güvenimikaybettim.
taxil Tom prefers whole- grain cereals. The barns are full of grain.
qeribe odd question- garip soru , find odd- yadırgamak ,She looks odd in those c lothes.
evlat edinmek,menimsemek adopt a child. Tom was adopted. We adopted Tom. adopt islam , adopt a cat - kedi sahiplenmek ,
bagirmaq,feryat etmek "My watch has been robbed."exclaimed my father. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed.
genisletmek,uzatmaq,iletmek,sunmaq The c ity wants to extend the road. Please extend my apologies to Tom. extend the time - süreyi uzatmak ,
qadagan etmek,qadaga,haram god forbid!- allah korusun! .forbid you to smoke .heaven forbid - allah göstermesin , I forbid you to smoke. Iforbid you to talk to Tom.
gercektende,eslinde Indeed God exists. We are indeed sorry for his mistake. That is indeed beautiful.
yorumlamaq,izah etmek,serh etmek Please interpret my strange dreams. I interpreted his remark as a threat. interpret as v. şeklinde yorumlamak , interpret the meaning of something - mana ç ıkarmak ,
ayird etmek,ferqlendirmek You should distinguish between right and wrong. Can you distinguish silver from tin?
yuva build a nest- yuva kurmak,mouse's nest- fare deliği,ant's nest- karınca yuvası
mensey,koken My name is of Hebraic origin.Buddhism originated in India.
reddetmek.imtina etmek I rejected the o"er.Tom felt he was rejected. reject the religion v. dini reddetmek , reject the c laims v. iddiaları reddetmek , reject something out of hand düşünmeden reddetmek,
memnuniyyet get satisfaction- tatmin olmak, She expressed satisfaction with her life , feel a glow of satisfaction iç i huzurla dolu olmak,Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. I trust the room will be to your satisfaction.
basarmak,yerine yetirmek He accomplished his goal of running ten miles Mission accomplished. , accomplish a result v. sonuç almak , accomplish great things büyük işler başarmak.
even if
- sa da , - sa bele Even if it rains, I'll start. I will go even if it rains. Come even if you'll be late. ,
furset,durum on the occasion of ..- münasebetiyle ,i would like to take this occasion to thank you all , on occasion - fırsat düştükçe , zamanzaman , when occasion serves fırsat olunca , What's the occasion? Durum nedir? Your speech suits the occasion. - Konusman ortamauyuyor ,
sezmek,fark etmek,duymaq The boy ran to the kitchen when he detected the smell of cookies
vezife,gorev It is parents' duty to take care of their children. duty- free adj. gümrüksüz , assign a duty v. görev vermek , be killed in the line of duty v. görevi esnasında öldürülmek , take it as one's duty to v. görev kabul etmek, i did my duty görevimi yaptım , it is my duty to boynumun borcudur
tedricen,yavas yavas She gradually began to understand.It's gradually getting colder.
an in an instant - anında He instantly fell in love with her. The instant he came in, he fell down. instant access n. anında erişim , instant decision n. anlık karar , for an instant adv. bir anlığına
- gibi yapmak,taklid etmek She pretended innocence. pretend not to have heard .pretend not to understand
cesaret Everyone admired his courage.Tom is courageous.
tokmek pour down- sağanak yağmur yağmak,Pour me a drink.She poured her heart out. suzmek,tokmek
xam,ciy create from raw material.raw fish - c iğ balık
ayri live apart from her husband,can't stand to be apart
tutmaq,tutuklamak arrest a suspect ,place someone under arrest v. gözaltına almak, you are under arrest! tutuklusun!
musabiqe,yaris compete in the contest, enter the beauty contest, organize a contest v. yarışma düzenlemek
suclu,mahkum,suclu bulmak convict someone of murder v. birini c inayetten mahkum etmek,ex- convict n. sabıkalı
yavru kopek, yavrulamak
son donemde,bu aralar it's rare to see such a happy couple nowadays
surusme The man slipped on the wet floor.
birazcik The air feels somewhat cold this morning. This song sounds somewhat familiar. somewhat red adj. kırmızımsı , somewhat bitter acımsı , We're somewhat late.- biraz gec kaldik , I'm somewhat dizzy. - biraz basim donuyor
mazqi elemek,canini sikmak you'd better not annoy me beni rahatsız etmesen iyi olur , This annoys me. , Is this annoying? - bu can sixic imi ? , Children hate annoying teachers.
suni,yapay artific ial flower. Those tears are artific ial. That soccer field has artific ial grass, but it looks real. artific ial insemination n. suni dölleme ,artific ial intelligence - suni intellekt
ayri,ferqli,bariz Those two ideas are quite distinct.Mice are distinct from rats.
become distinct v. farklılaşmak , The Japanese language has many distinctive characteristics. distinctive- ayird edici , ferqlenen
heyecan football excitement. hide one's excitement v. heyecanını gizlemek , cause excitement v. heyecan yaratmak , in the excitement of prep. heyecanı iç inde ,
miras almaq inherit from v. - den kalmak. She inherited her mother's gold earrings. inherit from v. - den kalmak , Tom inherited the familybusiness.
tutum,tavir,davranis His manner of not looking at someone while speaking, is a bit rude. act in a shameless manner v. yüzsüzlük yapmak , good manner n. iyi terbiye , manner of life n. yaşam biçimi,tarzi , manner of speaking n. konuşma biçimi , in a friendly manner adv. dostça ,He has rough manners. ,
- nin qitligi,- nin azliq sixintisi There's a water shortage in this area. There's no shortage of work . make up a shortage v. eksikleri gidermek ,food shortage n. yiyecek kıtlığı . lack/shortage of skı̇ll n. yeteneksizlik , We have a shortage. - bir sikintimiz var ,
qati,sert,saglam Solid water is called ice. start a baby on solid food build on solid basis v. sağlam temeller üzerine kurmak , solidbackground n. sağlam altyapı , have a solid grasp of something bir konuya tam anlamıyla hakim olmak
qebir(mazaley tipli) grave - adi tipli qebir
yara bullet wound n. kurşun yarası ,Wounds heal, scars remain.
eyilmek,bukulmek bend one's head v. başını öne eğmek,Masuo can bend spoons. bend down v. öne eğilmek , bend head
v. baş eğmek , bend the knee v. diz çökmek ,
skest,engelli The disabled man used a wheelchair to move around.
xeyal urunu,uydurma He loves science fiction.About half of everything he says is sheer fiction.
inceleme,yoxlama,tesfis You have to unpack your luggage for customs inspection. inspect the vehicle v. arabayı incelemek , People love to inspect each other's houses.
maye You should drink a lot of liquid. liquod oil
heyran olmaq,sasirmak marvel at... Marvellous.- muhtesem , What marvelous weather. ,
xatirlamaq,geri cagirmaq,anmaq The ambassador was recalled. I don't really recall. if i recall correctly. eğer yanlış hatırlamıyorsam , Try torecall what happened. - ne oldugunu hatirlamaga caliw
yeterli My explanation was not sućcient. The pension is not sućcient for living expenses. available in sućcient amount - yeterlimiktarda bulunmak , become self- sućcient v. kendi kendine yetmek , find it sućcient v. yeterli bulmak , pay sućcient attention v.gözardı etmemek , sućcient level n. yeterli düzey ,
(toouf) sert,cetin Life is tough. This steak is too tough. ask a tough question v. zor bir soru sormak , go through dićculties/tough times/hardship v. zorlukları atlatmak , tough times n. zor zamanlar , if the going gets tough işler zorlaşırsa , when the going gets tough işler güçleşince ,
qebul etnek,etiraf etmek He admitted his mistakes. i must admit that itiraf etmeliyim ki , admit being responsible for
v. sorumluluğun kendisinde olduğunu kabul etmek , admit guilt v. suçu kabul etmek , admit to partnership v. ortaklığa kabul etmek , i have to admitkabul etmeliyim ki , whether you admit it or not kabul etsen de etmesen de ,
Marie admitted defeat - Marie yenilgiyi kabul etti. He admitted his guilt.
(dazin) bir duzune Dozens were jailed- onlarca insan haps edildi , I bought two dozen pencils. ,We have half a dozen eggs.- yarimduzune yumurtamiz var
yasca boyuk olan family elder, elder sister ,Respect your elders. , She adores her elder brother. Don't interrupt the elderly.
mutevazi,alcakgonullu,gosterissiz After winning the Nobel prize, she remained as modest as ever., I wish my daughter would dress more modestly.
lead a modest life v. mütevazı bir yaşam sürmek , don't be so modest bu kadar alçak gönüllü olma ,You're being modest.- mutevazidavraniyorsun ,
facial beauty ,fac ial expressions- yüz ifadeleri ,have facial wrinkles ,Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price. - Biz bir fiyattan bahsettiğimizde onun yüz tepkimesini gözlemle. ,
(niiit) seliqeli Keep your room neat and tidy. He is always neatly dressed. Tom always keeps his room neat.
suclanmak,ittiham etmek accuse someone of stealing v. birini hırsızlıkla suçlamak , accuse each other v. birbirini suçlamak , accuse someone wrongly v. günahını almak ,He denied the accusation. ,She was falsely accused. ,
ayarlamaq,nizamlamaq She adjusted the c lock. adjust the height of yükseliğini ayarlamak , adjust oneself to v. kendini alıştırmak , adjust theheat v. ısıyı ayarlamak , Tom adjusted his tie. -Tom kravatini duzeltdi , She adjusted the c lock.
eylendirmek,neselendirmek We were greatly amused by her story , Reading is his chief amusement. - Okumak onun baş eğlencesidir. ,I foundher very amusing.
engage in
(inqeyc in) ugrasmak He is engaged in selling cars. engage in a sexual intercourse v. c insel ilişkiye girmek , engage in competition v. rekabetegirmek ,I have no time to engage in gossip.
(fyuul) yanacaq Consuming less fuel is better for the environment , fuel fear v. korku uyandırmak , fuel up v. benzin doldurmak , fuel expense n.yakacak masrafı , fuel usage n. yakıt kullanımı , fuel guzzling adj. çokbenzin yakan ,Wood and coal for fuel. , I ran out of fuel. - yakitim bitdi
ezemetli,boyuk The grand mountain rose high into the sky. grand father n. büyük baba )) in the grand scheme of things adv. daha genelanlamda bakacak olursak , in grand style gösterişli , as busy as grand central station aşırı meşgul , be as busy as grand central station v. karıncayuvası gibi kaynamak
To our surprise, he won the grand prize.
sade,duz,aciq , Tom ate plain and simple food. become plain v. sadeleşmek , a plain expression n. yalın bir anlatım , in plain language adv. basit bir dille ,She's a plain speaker - O acik konusur
qati,sert strict laws, Tom's father is very strict. he is a strict moslem - koyu bir müslümandır , be a strict follower of something v. sıkı takipçisi olmak , pay strict attention to v. çok özen göstermek , strict diet n. sıkı diyet , strict measures n. sıkı önlemler , strict order kesin talimat , Strictly forbidden. - kesinlikle yasak
Strictly speaking, that's true. - Açık konuşmak gerekirse, bu doğru.
ozur,uzr you owe me an apology, i accept your apology , expect an apology v. özür beklemek , I apologize. , Tom apologized. ,
ele kecirmek,tutmaq capture a glance v. ilgisini çekmek , You've been captured. Surrender! capture dead v. ölü olarak ele geçirmek ,We captured some of the terrorists.
utanc duymaq don't embarrass me, How embarrassing!! Tom seems embarrassed.
aciga c ixarmaq,meruz qalmaq expose corruption, exposed himself to danger , He deliberately exposed her to danger. - Bilerek onu tehlikeyemaruz bıraktı. , Don't expose the tapes to the sun. - Kasetleri güneşe maruz bırakma.
suclu everybody is innocent until proven guilty , be found guilty of v. suçlu bulunmak ,
tutmaq(isci), kiralamaq ,ise almaq hire a c leaner , hire a car, hire a tutor , I was hired.- İşe alındım.
hepsxana deserve to go to jail, escape from jail , send someone to jail
It's not a permanent solution. permanent damage , permanent income
oxsamaq,benzemek resemble somebody a lot ,they resemble each other, He resembles his mother. c losely resemble v. tıpa tıp benzemek ,
eslik etmek,berbaer getmek My brothers accompanied me to the movie. accompany someone home v. birine evine kadar eşlik etmek ,accompany the singer on the piano v. şarkıcıya piyanoyla eşlik etmek , accompany someone on a journey seyahatte yanında olmak ,Strongwinds accompanied the rain.- Güçlü rüzgarlar yağmura eşlik etti.
curet etmek how dare you? - bu ne cüret? How dare you say that! does he dare do it? o işi yapmaya cesareti var mı? , don't dare to touchsakın dokunayım deme , don't you dare lie to me sakın yalan söyleyeyim deme , how dare you bu ne cesaret ,
dar,six,kip She held on to my hand tightly.These shoes are too tight to wear. be in a tight situation v. iki arada bir derede kalmak , hold on tightv. sımsıkı tutunmak , sleep tight iyi uykular , sit tight! otur oturduğun yerde!
fisildamaq ,pic ildamaq say in a whisper v. fısıldayarak söylemek / whisper in one's ear v. kulağına fısıldamak
illik,her il olan What's your annual income? be on annual leave v. yıllık izinde olmak , annual energy consumption n. yıllık enerji tüketimi ,
The conference takes place annually.- Konferans yıllık olarak gerçekleşir. ,The meeting is held annually. What's your annual income? -Yıllık gelirin nedir? ,
hak etmek She deserves better. deserve a whacking v. dayağı hak etmek , i don't deserve this ben bunu haketmedim ,
(Feda) lelek,qus tuku
bereketli,mumbit,yaradici fertile soil ,Tom has a fertile imagination. Tom sells fertilizer. -Tom gubre satar.,The land is very fertile.
su basmasi,sel After three days of rain, there was a flood in the c ity.
mezar,qebir We visit our grandfather's grave each year. dig a grave v. mezar kazmak , family grave n. aile kabristanı , from the cradle to thegrave beşikten mezara kadar , carry a secret to one's grave sırrını mezara kadar götürmek
elde etmek,almaq obtain permission - izin almak,How did you obtain this painting? Where can I obtain a map of Europe?- Nereden bir Avrupaharitası edinebilirim?
qabiq,deniz qulagi qabigi
(apeeiillll) bas vurmak,cazib gelmek Sleeping all day appeals to me, but I have to go to school. appeal for aid v. yardım istemek , appeal toboth eye and ear v. hem göze hem kulağa hitap etmek , appeal to the eye v. göz zevkine hitap etmek
, appeal to the taste buds v. damak zevkine hitap etmek , appeal for merc y n. af iç in yalvarma That sounds reallyappealing.- O gerçekten cazip geliyor. ,
ohdesine goturmek,ferz etmek,saymaq I assumed you were busy. assume full responsibility , assume a pose v. trip atmak , assume full responsibility v. tüm sorumluluğu almak , assume responsibility for v. sorumluluğunu üzerine almak , let's assume that farzımuhal ,
I assumed that she was there. - Onun orada olduğunu sanıyordum.
sixic i,kut(bicaq,agri) He found the movie very dull. I have a dull achehere,The knife is dull. dull ones's pains v. ağrılarını dindirmek ,acilarini dindirmek , dull book n. sıkıc ı kitap , Skip the dull chapters. -Sikic i bolumleri gec , I have a dull ache here. - Burada künt bir ağrımvar.
(öörccc) tesvik etmek,razi salmaq Tom urged Mary to study art. feel urge to v.- bir şey yapmayı çok istemek , urge someone to resign v. istifaya çağırmak , urge someone to do something birini bir şey yapmaya zorlamak ,
We urged Tom to go.-Tomu gitmeye zorladik , Tom urged Mary to resign. - Tom Mary'yi istifa etmeye zorladı. , He urged her to drive carefully. - Onu dikkatli araba sürmesi iç in uyardı. , I have an urge to buy something. - Bir şey almayı çok istiyorum.
meydana c ixmaq.yaranmaq problems can arise sorunlar meydana gelebilir, Accidents arise from carelessness
,Dićculties arose with his computer because it was old. arise from dead v. dirilmek , a problem arise v. problem doğmak , arise from v. - dan dogmak, kaynaklanmak ,
yardimsever,eliaciq My sister was charitable enough to help me buy my first house . charitable society n. hayır derneği ,
baca chimney breast n. baca ç ıkıntısı , Tom smokes like a chimney.- Tom çok fazla sigara iç iyor.
on purpose
bile bile,qesden
telafi etmek,evezini odemek compensate for the damage, Money cannot compensate for life. compensate for one thing by another v. bir şeyibaşka bir şeyle telafi etmek Who will compensate for the loss? - Kaybı kim telafi edecek?
awmaq Don't exceed the speed limit. exceed one's authority- haddini bilmemek , exceed the limits v. sınırları aşmak , Ann is exceedingly fond of chocolate. - Ann aşırı derecede ç ikolataya düşkün. The new product's sales exceeded expectations. -Yeni ürünün satışları beklentileri aştı.
take your time
acele etme
korpucuk sumuyu
we need to widen our circle
cevemizi(taisliq) genisletmeliyik
that's the beauty of it
Gozelliyi ele burasindadi da !
invite someone over
birini eve/yemeğe davet etmek She invited me over for co"ee. Tom invited me over for dinner.
make yourself at home
ozunu evdeki kimi hiss ele
bayan qarson , kadin garson
pathetic part
acikli hissesi you are pathetic! sen eziksin! How pathetic!= Çok acıklı! What a pathetic story! - ne dokunakli hikaye !
Even though
buna ragmen Even though its raining, I went out. Even though he was tired, he worked.
Here we go
Davay , hadi bakalim
break into
zorla girmek break into a conversation v. söze karışmak , break into pieces v. parçalarına ayırmak , Hackers break into computers withoutpermission ,Break the chocolate into smaller pieces. ,
break into tears göz yaşlarına boğulmak
I had no choice
basqa secimim yox idi
just to clarify
aciqlamaq gerekirse
i did what i could
elimnen geleni etdim
cox danisan,konuskan
break up
ayrilmaq(sevgilisinden) be (still) friends after break up v. ayrıldıktan sonra arkadaş kalmak , break up somebody's marriage v. yuvasını yıkmak ,break up the fight v. kavga edenleri ayırmak , break up with somebody v. ilişkiyi noktalamak , break it up! (kavga edenler iç in) ayrılın!
(betreyy) ihanet etmek betrayed us for money , She betrayed you. You betrayed your country. We felt really betrayed.
ran/run into
rast gelmek , rastlasmaq run into a problem v. bir problemle karşılaşmak , I run into Tom occasionally. - Ara sıra Tom'a rastlarım. , You run intoJapanese tourists everywhere.
rahatsiz edici,huzur bozucu ask disturbing questions v. rahatsız edici sorular sormak , i hope i'm not disturbing you umarım rahatsız etmiyorum , Everything he did disturbed me.
I am a grown man
ben yetiskin biriyim
gets his temper from his dadd
hirsini atasindan c ixir
inatci stubborn as a mule keçi gibi inatçı Tom is too stubborn to apologize. -Tom özür dilemeyecek kadar çok inatçı. , Helen stubbornly insists that this is true.
freak out
c ildirmak,sinirlenmek freak out at someone birine sinir olmak , i'm going to freak out ç ıldıracağım , Tom freaks me out.
snap out of it
kendine gel ! You've got to snap out of it. - Kendini toparlamak zorundasın. ,
point out
- e diqqet cekmek
point out above v. yukarıda belirtmek , point something out to somebody v. dikkatini çekmek , I would also like to point out that şuna da dikkati çekmek isterim ki , She pointed out my mistake - O benim hatama dikkat çekti. ,
shove o"
bas bayira, toz ol
sleep tight
sirin yuxular
not to mention
bundan basqa,ayrica not to mention someone's name v. adını ağzına almamak , Michael speaks Japanese, not to mention English. ,
your pupils delate when you look her
ona baxdiqda goz bebeyin genisleyir
give my best to . . .
...- ye salamimi soyle
I have got to . . .
... zorundayam,..- meliyem
a little bird told me
kuşlar söyledi
herseyeragmen ,... regardless of gender adj. c insiyete bağlı olmayan , regardless of the consequence adv. sonuç ne olursa olsun , I'm going out tonight, regardless. - Ne olursa olsun bu gece dışarı ç ıkacağım,
regardless of prep. dikkate almadan, umursamayarak . He came regardless of my instructions. - Benim talimatlarimi almadan geldi
pass up
firsat kacirmak pass something up fırsat tepmek , I can't pass up this chance. , I passed up an opportunity to see him. ,
Apperantly,. . . .
gorunuse gore ...
yanlis hukum vermek,yanlis deyerlenidirmek Tom misjudged Mary. - Tom merini yanlis anladi .You've misjudged the situation.- durumu yanlis degerlendirdin
work out
gelismek,cozmek,helle etmek be unable to work (something) out v. işin iç inden ç ıkamamak , work out the meaning of something v. mana ç ıkarmak , Hopefully, things will work out - İnşallah işler istenilen sonucu verecektir.
awmaq(this job surpasses my ability) Tom has surpassed expectations. - Tom beklentilerin üzerine ç ıktı. , He surpasses his rivals in all ways - O her yönden rakiplerini geçer ,
With that performance, you have surpassed yourself. Congratulations = O performansla, kendini aştın. Tebrikler!
handful of . . . .
bir ovuc a handful of people n. bir avuç insan , a handful of adj. bir tutam ,
bilincaltinda,suur alti olaraq be engraved in one's subconscious v. bilinç altına yerleşmek ,
ilk baslarda,evvel evvel Tom initially agreed.- tom baslangicta kabul etdi I initially hated it. I initially hated it. - baslangicda onnan nefret edirdim
teselli consolation prize n. teselli ikramiyesi , if it's any consolation eğer seni teselli edecekse , consolation goal teselli golü , We consoled each other ,
CONSOLE - teseli etmek console oneself v. kendini avutmak , console oneself with ile iç ini rahatlatmak , Have you ever consoled a friend?
menasiz,gereksiz It all seems pointless. - Her sey manasiz gozukuyor . Life without love is just totally pointless - Sevgisiz hayat tamamenanlamsızdır. A pointless life is a premature death.- Manasiz hayat , erken dogmus bir olumdur .
burunu soxmaq meddle in (something) v. burnunu sokmak , meddle in politics v. siyasete karışmak , meddle with maydanoz olmak , don't meddle otur oturduğun yerde ,Don't meddle in my a"airs. ,Don't meddle in other people's lives.
friday 'works for me'
5.gun bana uyar !
what's gotten into him?
onun nesi var?
what's gotten into you?
neler olmuş sana böyle?,senin neyin var?
look on the brigt side
iyi tarafindan bak
i'm sorry for distubing u
rahatsiz etdigim ic in ozur dilerim
under the influence of . . .
.. tesiri altinda,has big infuence on me
doesnt matter
onemli deyil
. . . loves to show o"
.. gosterisi sevir one who loves to show o" n. gösteriş düşkünü ,
put o"
ertelemek put something o" bir şeyi ertelemek, This game was put o". The president put o" visiting Japan. ,
bring up
terbiye etmek,boyutmek bring somebody up v. yetiştirmek , bring up a baby v. bebek büyütmek , All this brings up new questions.Bringing up a baby is hard work.
hang up
adboy vermek , hang up in someone's ear v. telefonu yüzüne kapatmak , hang up on someone telefonu yüze kapamak ,
it's my treat
ben ismarliyorum
neredeyse,hemen hemen almost forget v. neredeyse unutmak , almost nonexisting adj. yok denecek kadar ,almost all adv. neredeysetamamı , almost everywhere adv. neredeyse her yer , in almost all cases adv. nerdeyse her durumda
got/become sick
xestelenmek get sick of everything v. herşeyden bıkmak , if you become sick it's not my fault hasta olursan günah benden gitti , He often gets sick.
catch cold
soguk almak,soyuqlamaq did you catch a cold? grip mi oldun?
terbiye etmek ,yetisdirmek throughout one's entire upbringing adv. birinin tüm yetişme çağı boyunca , He's had a liberal upbringing.- O, özgürlükçü bir terbiye aldı. ,They di"ered with each other on the care and upbringing of their children. - Onlar çocukların bakım ve yetiştirilmesinde birbir
i won’t be o"ended by it bundan gocunmam ,They di"ered with each other on the care and upbringing of their children. - Onlar çocukların bakım ve yetiştirilmesinde birbirleriyle farklıydı.
kuskun,incimis be easily o"ended v. çok alıngan olmak , be o"ended at someone v. birine küsmek , have i o"ended you in some way? yoksaseni kırdım mı? , promise not to be o"ended kırılmayacağına söz ver , i am seriously o"ended here c idden rencide olmuş durumdayım ,
try on
geyinib yoxlamaq try on c lothes v. giysi denemek , try something on for size v. (üzerine olup olmadığını görmek iç in) giysi denemek , Try it on.-onu dene Try on another one.
ayri- ayr,tek tek,her sexse ozel
take after
benzemek,- e cekmek(oxsamaq) take after one's father v. babasına çekmek , take after someone birine çekmek , you take after your mom annene çekmişsin , Most boys take after their fathers.
uyumsuzluk,uyusmama color mismatch renk uyumsuzluğu ,
So far
indiye qeder i haven't found anything so far şu ana kadar bir şey bulamadım , So far, so good. - Şimdiye kadar iyi. So far nothing has happened.
intended for...
..- ler ucun nezerde tutulmus be intended merely for information purposes v. bilgi mahiyetinde olmak , swings intended for children n. çocukların kullanımı iç in salıncaklar , intended for informing adj. bilgilendirme amaçlı , intended for single use bir defa kullanmak iç in tasarlanmış
This textbook is intended for foreign students. Books intended for young people will sell well
alongside this book
bu kitabla yanasi
It's nice sitting alongside a hot fireplace.
on its own
ozu ozluyunde
. . . .was over by the time we g
biz ora catanda... bitmisdi
genis yayilmis become widespread v. yaygın hale gelmek , have widespread media coverage v. medyada geniş yer bulmak , widespread around theworld v. dünyaya yayılmak , in a widespread manner adv. yaygın bir şekilde ,
yumusak ve kibarca
We have some concerns.
eninde sonunda,ne vaxtsa sonda Everyone dies eventually. Eventually, she succeeded. Tom eventually confessed. Tom eventually agreed. Hehas to learn about love and sex eventually o eninde sonunda aşk ve seksin ne olduğunu öğrenecek
made up
uydurmaq,duzmece made up story n. uydurma hikaye , I made it up kafadan attım , you made it up onu sen uydurdun , He made up an excuse. ,
break a leg
iyi sanslar(seytanin bacagin kir)
let it go !
bos ver , birak kendini
come over
ugramak,ziyaret etmek,qonaq getmek come over here buraya uğra ,did you come all the way over here just to say you're sorry? tüm bu yolubenden özür dilemek iç in mi geldin? , people come from all over the world to see this insanlar dünyanın dört bir yanından bunu görmek iç ingeliyor
one day at a time
gunun birinde
asiri tepki gosterme don't you think you're overreacting a little too much? sence de biraz aşırı tepki göstermiyor musun?
anlastik! tamam kabul ! arrive by the agreed time v. anlaşılan/kararlaştırılan zamanda ulaşmak/varmak , as agreed adv. kararlaştırıldığı gibi ,
saat eqrebini eskine counterclockwise rotation saat aksi yönü dönüşü , Turn the knob counterclockwise.
count on
guvenmek,bel baglamaq I am counting on you- sana guveniyorum ,He is counting on me , count on fingers v. parmak hesabı yapmak , can icount on you? size güvenebilir miyim? , don't count on me bana bel bağlama , I knew I could count on you sana güvenebileceğimi biliyordum ,
on the count of three üçe kadar sayınca
without further ado
sozu daha fazla uzatmadan So, without further ado, happy studying!!!
count me out
beni saymayin,meni saymayin Count me out. - Ben bu işte yokum. ,
based on . . .
.. - esasinda,..- ye esaslanaraq be based on basis of v. esasına dayanmak , be based on personal experiences v. kişisel tecrübelere dayanmak , establish an environment that is based on mutual respect and trust v. karşılıklı saygı ve güvene dayalı bir ortam oluşturmak , relationship based on mutual
based on my observations adv. gözlemlerime dayanarak , based on actual events gerçek olaylara dayanmaktadır ,
heads up
uyari , onune bak ! heads up! kafanı kaldır! , Thanks for the heads- up.- Uyari ic in tesekkurler ,
sci- fi (say- fay)
bilim- kurgu
take a break
ara vermek,fasile vermek take a break in the relationship v. ilişkiye ara vermek , take a fifteen minute break v. on beş dakika ara vermek ,let's take a break hadi bir ara verelim , you need to take a break biraz ara vermelisin
Hey,check it out
suna baksana , hey bi baksana suna
alin yazisi,kader accept one's destiny v. kaderine boyun eğmek , shape one's destiny v. kaderini ç izmek , a man makes his destiny insan kendi kaderini kendi ç izer , you are my destiny kaderimsin
spy on . . .
...- ni gizlince gudmek/dinlemek/gozlemlemek She's here to spy on us. Here's how the CIA can spy on you through a Samsung Smart TV
back o"
Beni rahat bırak., geri cekilme,geri kay/geri cekil get o" my back! düş yakamdan! , Foreign investors backed o" because of regional political unrest.
luckily for you . . . .
sukr et ki It was lucky for you that you found it.
self- centered
bencil,ozunu dusunen Tom is very self- centered, isn't he? , can't stand self centered and unappreciative people
screw up
ic ine etmek,berbat etmek you always screw things up işleri hep eline yüzüne bulaştırıyorsun , screw up one's courage v. cesaretini toplamak ,screw the whole thing up her şeyi mahvetmek , do not screw this up sakın bunun iç ine etme , He screwed up his courage and proposed toher.
ask out
c ikma teklif etmek(sevgili kimi) why didn't you ever ask me out? neden bana hiç ç ıkma teklifi etmedin? , Ask Mary out. - Mary'ye ç ıkma teklif et.
her seyde kusur arayan , Tom is a bit of a nitpicker. - Tom biraz mızmızdır. Please don't nitpick just for the sake of nitpicking. - Sadece kusur arama uğruna her şeyde kusur bulma. All you ever do is nitpick. I wish you could say something more constructive. - Şu ana kadar yaptığın bütün şey her
nisbeten , kismen , relatively small adj. diğerlerine nazaran küçük , She speaks relatively quickly. - O nispeten hızlı konuşur. , It's relativelyearly. - Nispeten erken. Tom seems relatively happy. - Tom nispeten mutlu görünüyor.
there there
uzme canini,sikma canini , There, there,Resul, that sad feeling will pass , There there, it'll be fineee
would rather
tercih etmek,ustun tutmaq , i would rather die on my feet than die on my knees dizlerimin üstünde ölmektense ayaklarımın üstüne ölmeyi tercih ederim , i would rather go gitmeyi tercih ederim , i would rather not go bana kalsa gitmem , I would rather go out - Dışarı ç ıkmayı tercih ederim. ,
hicqirma I heard Tom sobbing. Tom began to sob. I heard you sobbing.
stand for
temsil etmek,simgelemek , adayligini koymak
We stand for democrac y.What does USSR stand for? - SSCB ne anlama gelir? ,UFO stands for unidentified flying object.
catch up
bilgilendirmek,melumatlandirmaq He is slowly catching up.- O yavaşça yetişiyor. Tom hurried to catch up with Mary. We'll catch up withyou later. - Sana daha sonra yetişec eğiz.
qarismaq, burnunu soxmaq Stop interfering. - Müdahale etmeyi bırak. , I shouldn't have interfered. - Müdahale etmemeliydim.
dogrulamaq,taniklik etmek,sahidlik etmek
call someone to testify v. birini tanıklık iç in çağırmak , testify for someone v. biri iç in şahitlik yapmak , call somebody to testify ifade vermesi iç inçağırmak ,She testified against him. Afterwards, the witnesses testified
more or less
yuxari asagi , teqriben She's more or less my age. , Everyone is more or less interested in art. ,They are more or less the same size.
asqirmaq ,hapsirmaq hold back a sneeze v. hapşırığını tutmak ,What makes me sneeze?
dusunceli, anlayisli,basa dusen Tom is quite considerate. We should be considerate to the old.
destek verici,destekleyici
beg to di"er
eyni dusuncede olmamaq I beg to di"er. - Aynı fikirde değilim.
by far
obirilerinden qat qat cox , daha cox This is by far the best. - Bu açık arayla en iyi. , He is by far the best student.
day o"
izinli gun, bos gun get a day o" v. işten bir gün izin almak , take a half day o" v. yarım gün izin almak , I took a day o" from work işten bir gün izinaldım , Tomorrow is my day o".- Yarın benim izin günüm.
I just got here
hele teze geldim (gelmisem)
take . . . side
...- nin terefini tutumaq take no side tarafsız davranmak- taraf tutmamak , take somebody's side birinin tarafını tutmak , i'll take it by your side senintarafındayım/tarafında yer alacağım He always takes sides with her. I'm not taking sides. I'm not taking anyone's side.
mesguliyyet , is engage in v. meşgul olmak , engage in a sexual intercourse v. c insel ilişkiye girmek , He is engaged in teaching. , Tom is engaged in medical research. , I have no time to engage in political activity.
my bad
benim hatam it's my bad benim hatam
Nezere alsaqki..,Goz onune alsaq ki ...
assuming full responsibility n. tüm sorumluluğu kabul etme assuming that conj. farzederek
Was pleased to meet you. Thank you for the kind words. i would be pleased memnuniyet duyarım , may god be pleased allah razı olsun , you don't look pleased hoşnut görünmüyorsunuz
We agreed among ourselves. be among the best v. en iyiler arasında yer almak , be elected/selected among v. arasından seçilmek , divideamong v. dağıtmak ,We agreed among ourselves. , I sat among them. Divide this among yourselves. He was among those chosen.- O,seçilenler arasındaydı.
get rid of..
kurtulmak,kurtarmak get rid of unwanted hair.get rid of stress .get rid of one's extra kilo ,We need to get rid of Tom.
hayal kirikligi I will not disappoint you sizi hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım , you disappoint me beni hayal kırıklığına uğrattın She sounded disappointed.- Hayal kırıklığına uğramış görünüyordu. ***** gorunurdu ucun sound istfde edilir disappointde !!!!!!!!
cox,coxlu,bol,bolluq We have plenty money. drink plenty of water. plenty of time i got plenty of time zamanım bol , there are plenty of fish inthe sea sana göre eş mi yok elini sallasan ellisi,
This theory is too dićcult for me to comprehend. be unable to comprehend v. kafası almamak , can not comprehend v. idrak edememek , It's really hard to comprehend. , They couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the matter.
Meselenin c iddiyetini anlayamıyorlardı.
My school grades were average. assign a grade v. bir not vermek , be in fourth grade v. dördüncü sınıfta olmak , 1st grade n. 1.sınıf , whatgrade is she in? o kaçıncı sınıfa gidiyor?
guvenmek,arxayin olmaq i can rely on my english .Everybody is relying on you. rely upon someone v. birisine güvenmek m, I relied on his kindness.- Ben onun iyiliğine güvendim.,I rely on your promise.,You can rely on Tom.
otesinde,kenarda It's beyond me- Bu beni awar.There is a cottage beyond the bridge. it is beyond my power- elimde değil , beyond question adv. tartışmasız , at the back of beyond adv. dünyanın bir ucunda, due to reasons beyond our control elimizde olmayannedenlerden, at the back of beyond ıssız ve ulaşılması güç bir yerde ,It's beyond me.- Bu beni aşıyor.
uygun This movie is appropriate for all ages. be appropriate for v. uygun olmak , appropriate conditions n. uygun şartlar , appropriate time n.uygun zaman , if it is appropriate for you sizin iç in de uygunsa , Can you recommend an appropriate dictionary?
el koymak , özelleştirmek , sahiplenmek
The person who is fasting should avoid all kinds of haraam actions avoid a contract v. sözleşmeyi iptal etmek , avoid any possible mistakes v.hataya mahal vermemek , avoid commenting v. yorum yapmaktan kaçınmak, avoid drawing attention
v. dikkat çekmemeye çalışmak , to avoid suspicion şüphe çekmemek iç in,
Avoid smoking excessively.- Aşırı sigara içmekten sakının.You should avoid binge eating.- Aşırı yemekten kaçınmalısın.
let down
hayal kirikligina ugratmaq let one's hair down v. iç ini dökmek , kendinden geçmek , not let down v. yüzünü kara ç ıkarmamak ,don't let medown beni hayal kırıklığına uğratma , never let me down again asla tekrar beni hayal kırıklığına uğratma
kopya cekmek,aldatmaq,hile yapmak She's cheating on you! Tom cheated on the geology exam. cheat death v. ölümün eşiğinden dönmek cheatin the exam v. sınavda kopya çekmek cheat at hile yapmak
aldatmak cheat on his wife v. karısını aldatmak cheat on someone v. aldatmak (eşini vb) cheat the c lients v. müşterileri kandırmak
cheat day n. diyet yapanların haftada bir gün istediklerini yedikleri gün cheat at hile yapmak
I'll do it according to your instructions. (telimatlariniza gore)
The news of his death spread. prevent the spread of virus v. virüsün yayılmasını önlemek , spread around v. çevreye yayılmak , spread by wordof mouth v. ağızdan ağıza yayılmak spread fear v. korku yaymak , spread like wildfire v. büyük bir hızla yayılmak spread on a large area v. geniş a
spread on bread v. ekmeğe sürmek spread positive energy around v. çevresine pozitif enerji yaymak spread- eagled v. kol ve bacakları yana açılmış olarak yatmak ,Spread the news!- Haberi yay! , That rumor spread quickly.- O dedikodu hızla yayıldı.
I strolled along the streets to kill time. go for a stroll v. gezinti yapmak , stroll through the park v. parkta gezinmek They strolled along the beach.- Onlar sahil boyunca gezdiler. ,
take a stroll down memory lane eski günleri yad etmek
He was not aware of the danger. be aware of v. farkında olmak be aware of one's importance v. önemini bilmek be aware of one'sresponsibility v. sorumluluğunun bilinc inde olmak make somebody aware of v. haberdar etmek not to be aware of v. bilinc inde olmamak self-aware adj. kendini
everybody's well aware herkes olayın bilinc inde are you aware of the situation? durumun farkında mısınız? as you are awaremalumunuz olduğu üzere , Were you aware of this? - Bunun farkında mıydın?
He was badly wounded. badly want v. aşırı derecede istemek be badly a"ected v. kötü etkilenmek be badly injured v. ağır yara almak behavebadly v. kötü davranmak end badly v. (film/kitap) kötü sonla bitmek badly- nourished adj. kötü beslenen
icaze,izin Permit me to stay. I will come, weather permitting. Smoking is permitted. Dogs are permitted.
karar Don't pass judgment too quickly. make a judgment against someone v. aleyhinde karar vermek pass judgment on
v. hakkında yargıya varmak day of judgment n. kıyamet günü definitive judgment son karar , We trust your judgment . He's very judgmental. - o cok yargilayici
Tom rarely makes mistakes. have a rare talent as an artist v. birsanatçı olarak nadir bir yeteneğe sahip olmak a rare blood diseasen. nadir görülen bir kan hastalığı a rare occasion n. ender rastlanırdurum rare breed n. türüne ender rastlanan c ins
it's rare to see such a happy couple nowadays bugünlerde böyle mutlubir ç ift görmek çok zor This rarely happens. Tom rarely smiled. I see itrarely.- nadiren goruyorum onu
yaninda , ustelik ,otesinde The queen stood beside the king. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. lying beside adj. yanında yatan ,beside me adv. yanımda , beside the mark konuyla alakasız , be beside the point konuyla ilgisi olmayan bir şey olmak , that's beside the point oayrı mesele
Tom c laimed that he was innocent. assert a c laim v. bir iddiada bulunmak raise a c laim v. bir iddia öne sürmek c laim damages v. tazminat talepetmek
katki vermek,desteklemek He contributed much to the development of the economy. Thank you for your contribution.
- Katkınız iç in teşekkürler. , She contributed much to the company.
Smoking does you harm. I meant no harm. Don't harm them. cause harm to v. zarara yolaçmak do more harm than good
v. faydadan çok zararı olmak intentional harm n. bilerek zarar verme
there's no harm in trying denemekten zarar gelmez not harm a fly karıncayı bile incitmemek not harm a fly karıncayı bile incitmemek It contained harmful chemicals. - Zararlı kimyasallar içeriyordu. Don't harm them.
It makes sense. (mentiqli) Do you sense something unusual? begin to make sense v. anlamlı gelmeye başlamak have a good sense humor v. iyibir espri anlayışına sahip olmak make no sense v. anlamsız gelmek sense the danger v. tehlikeyi sezmek talk sense v. mantıklı konuşmak senseof being lost n. kaybolma duygusu
sense of ownership n. sahiplenme duygusu sense of rhythm n. ritim duygusu sense of smell n. koku alma duyusu
I think, therefore I am. I overslept this morning, therefore I haven't had my breakfast.
They arranged a meeting.(duzenlemek) I've arranged your meeting with Tom. arrange a festival v. festival düzenlemek arrange the time v.zamanı ayarlamak Everything was arranged.- Her sey duzenlendi
You attend conferences abroad. I attended the seminar. attend a course v. kursa gitmek Tom attends church regularly. Tom attended Harvard University. A large crowd attended. - Büyük bir kalabalık katıldı.
Nobody encouraged Tom to study. He encouraged me to try again. (cesaretlendirmek) Nobody encouraged him. My friends encouraged me. .
I grabbed Mary by the elbow. He grabbed the rope and was saved. (kapmak) grab a bite v. bir ısırık almak grab the chance
v. şans yakalamak grab the chance v. şans yakalamak come on in grab a chair gir içeri bir sandalye çek
Hang on!(dayan !, bekle !) Hang that picture on the wall.(asmaq) hang a horseshoe on the door v. kapıya at nalı asmak (one's belly) hangover one's trousers v. göbeği pantolonundan sarkmak get the hang of v. nasıl yapıldığını öğrenmek hang up in someone's ear v. telefonusuratına kapatmak hang around amaçsızca ortalarda
Tom just proposed. (evlilik teklifi etmek) Several plans were proposed.(teklif edilmek onerilmek) propose a new plan v. yeni bir plan önerisindebulunmak propose a toast for v. şerefine kadeh kaldırmak propose marriage v. evlenme teklif etmek propose an o"er v. teklif sunmak propose tosomebody v. evlilik teklif etmek
Release the hostages. They released a new album. All the hostages were released unharmed. make a press release v. basına açıklama yapmak
Tom is frank.(aciq sozlu) Frankly I am hungry.(acigi acam) We talked quite frankly. Tom is a very frank person.
What a pleasant surprise!(xow supriz) Have a pleasant journey. It was not a pleasant experience. spend pleasant/nice time together v.birlikte hoş vakit geçirmek a pleasant holiday n. keyifli bir tatil What a pleasant surprise!
Prevent him from going. (onu getmeye qoymayin !) Illness prevented me from going abroad. Nothing can prevent her from marrying him. prevent a possible disaster v. olası bir facianın önüne geçilmek It was preventable.- O önlenebilirdi. Careful driving prevents accidents. Prevent him from going. - Onun gitmesini engelleyin.
Patience is essential for a teacher. (gerekle mutleq) A free press is essential for democrac y. play an essential role v. önemli bir rol oynamak essential condition n. zorunlu koşul essential principle n. temel prensip non- essential n. gereksiz şey it is essential to book in advance önceden rezervasyon esastır Health is essential to happiness.
Water is essential to life.
baslica,temel,ana This is our primary target.(esas ana hedefimiz) The primary cause of his failure is laziness. (esas sebebi) achieve one's primary purpose v. asıl amacına ulaşmak primary activities n. temel faaliyetler one of the primary resons of başlıca nedenlerinden biri primary goal temel hedef French is Tom's primary language.
Tom was asleep.(yatirdi) Maybe I fell asleep. The c ity is asleep. drop asleep v. uykuya dalmak I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillowbaşımı yastığa koyar koymaz uyurum i must have fallen asleep uyuyakalmış olmalıyım
i'm falling asleep uykum geldi
I can't compete. (yarismaq , reqabet etmek) You can't compete with her. I never wanted to compete with you. compete against v. ile mücadele etmek
We sail tomorrow.(denize acilmaq)They sailed around the world.
Her attitude disgusts me. (davranis) He changed his attitude suddenly.(tutum , tavir ) adopt an attitude v. tavır sergilemek
Go up the stairs. He c limbed the stairs. He tumbled down the stairs.
You missed a spot. (bir noqteyi qacirdin) Suddenly he spotted me.(fark etmek gormek) park at a non- parking spot v. park yapılmayan yerde park etmek press a sensitive spot v. can damarına basmak spot the target v. hedefi bulmak touch a sore spot v. hassas bir konuya temas etmek have a weak spot for somebody birisine karşı zaafı olmak
hit the spot turnayı gözünden vurmak he has a weak spot bir zayıf noktası var
I've su"ered enough. Do you su"er from sleeplessness? I su"er from a stomach ache. su"er from heart trouble v. kalp rahatsızlığı olmak
Japan consumes a lot of paper. (tuketmek) Consuming less fuel is better for the environment. This engine consumes the most oil.
Fortunately, Tom recovered. I'm very fortunate. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
(gozlemlemek, itaet etmek) I observed him stop. He likes to observe birds. It was just an observation. Not all Muslims observe Ramadan. observe a minute’s silence v. bir dakikalık saygı duruşunda bulunmak observe every detail v. tüm ayrıntıları gözlemlemek observe the changes v. değişimleri gözlemek
He was born in the 19th century. first two decades of the eighth century n. sekizinci yüzyılın ilk yirmi yılı half century n. yarım asır turn of the century n. yeni yüzyılın başlangıcı
Wealth does not always bring us happiness. Mary left no wealth to her sons. Needless to say, health is more important than wealth. get wealth v.zenginleşmek lose one's wealth v. servetini kaybetmek the wealth n. zengin insanlar
Health over wealth.- Sağlık zenginlikten daha önemlidir. Life is our greatest wealth. -Yaşam bizim en büyük zenginliğimizdir. I preferknowledge to wealth. How did you acquire your wealth?
I really appreciate it.(takdir etmek) I appreciate your help.(minnetdarim) appreciate the value of v. değerini anlamak as you would appreciate takdir edersiniz ki i would appreciate memun olurum i appreciate everything you did yaptığın herşey iç in minnettarım we all appreciate your e"orts emeklerini hepimiz takdir ediyoruz
Tom is determined.(qerarli) I'll determine how we proceed. (teyin etmek , belirlemek) determine the date of v. tarihini tespit etmek as you determine belirttiğiniz gibi
determine a date v. tarih belirlemek impossible to determine tayini mümkün değil Determination is a key to success.- Kararlılık başarı iç in bir anahtardır.
They are gathering nuts. Everyone gathered around Tom. People are gathering. gather around the same table v. aynı masada toplanmak gatherattention v. dikkat toplamak gather experience v. deneyim sağlamak gather information v. bilgi toplamak gather one's strength v. kuvvetinitoplamak
gather someone into somewhere v. birilerini bir yerde toplamak gather speed v. hız almak gather under a single roof v. çatı altında toplamak
i gather he is ill işittiğime göre hastadır
Treat him well. He treated me badly. Tom has been treated fairly. ill- treat v. kötü davranmak treat honestly v. dürüst davranmak treat fairly v. adildavranmak treat everyone equally v. herkese eşit davranmak treat somebody like dirt adam yerine koymamak work a treat (çok) işe yaramak
your treat sen öde dutch treat alman hesabı pay for a treat for someone birine (yemek vb) ısmarlamak it's my treat (yemekler/içkiler vb) benden
Stop bothering me! Nothing bothers them. Tom never bothered anybody.(rahatsiz etmek) bother about v. endişelenmek doesn't bother me any beni bozmaz doesn't bother me any bana uyar I hope I didn't bother you rahatsız etmedim umarım i am sorry to bother you sizi rahatsız ettiğim iç in özür dilerim
sorry to bother you rahatsız ettiğimiz iç in kusura bakmayın sorry to bother you rahatsız ettiğimiz iç in kusura bakmayın why bother ne kafamı takacağım why bother ne uğraşacağım why even bother? boşuna uğraşma
arrive at a conclusion v. neticeye varmak How did you arrive at this conclusion? The company's president makes a conclusion. (sonuc , netice) come to a conclusion v. çözüme ulaşmak,neticelenmek i am led to the conclusion that şu sonuca vardım ki foregone conclusion kaçınılmaz son how did you reach that conclusion? bu sonuca nasıl ulaştınız?
bring something to a successful conclusion v. başarılı bir şekilde bitirmek Your conclusion is highly arguable.- Kararın oldukça tartışmaya açık It's a foregone conclusion.
jump to a conclusion bilmeden/yeterince düşünmeden hemen bir sonuca/karara varmak You're jumping to conclusions.
- Anlamadan yargıda bulunuyorsun.
Tom is doubtful. I doubt that. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. no doubt adv. kuşkusuz be in doubt about v. şüphelenmek bring into doubt v.şüpheye düşürmek cast doubt on v. şüphe çekmek have a doubt v. şüphe duymak raise doubt v. güvensizlik uyandırmak do you even doubt it?bundan bir kuşkun mu var?
leave no room for doubt v. tereddüde yer bırakmamak I don't doubt that hiç şüphem yok ki no doubt about that hiç şüphe yok without ashadow of a doubt en ufak bir şüphe duymadan I doubt it şüpheliyim
do somebody an injustice v. haksızlık etmek You must speak out against injustice. fight injustice v. adaletsizlikle savaşmak Cry outagainst injustice!- Haksızlığa karşı haykır! How can we put a stop to this injustice? - Bu adaletsizliği nasıl durdurabiliriz?
ikna etmek I finally persuaded him to buy it. We failed to persuade him. persuade someone to surrender v. teslim olmaya ikna etmek try topersuade v. ikna etmeye çalışmak We failed to persuade him. Tom tried to persuade Mary. Tom still isn't totally persuaded.
yola c ixmaq,ayrilmaq bir yerden depart from v. - den ayrılmak When does your plane depart? He may have already departed. depart from life v. hayatını teslim etmek depart from the rule v. kuralı bozmak Tom departed last Monday. - Tom geçen pazartesi günü ayrıldı. The train departed on time.
He achieved his goal. We have achieved great successes. achieve a dream v. hayale kavuşmak achieve a phenomenal success v. tarihi bir başarıya imza atmak achieve a solution v. çözüme ulaşmak achieve orgasm v. orgazma ulaşmak achieve the target v. hedefi gerçekleştirmek achieve/find happiness v. mutluluğ
in order to achieve our target amacımıza ulaşmak iç in you can´t achieve anything by doing/acting like that böyle yaparak bir yere varamazsın
Consider yourselves lucky. Consider it a gift.(hesab etmek,nezere almaq) be consider invalid v. geçersiz sayılmak consider (a matter)from a di"erent angle v. farklı açıdan ele almak consider (someone/something) valueless v. değersiz görmek consider education as aninvestment in the future v. eğitimi geleceğe yatırım olarak görmek
consider someone a brother v. kardeş gibi görmek consider someone an enemy v. düşman saymak consider something as a threat v. tehdit olarak görmek consider something impossible v. imkansız gözüyle bakmak i should consider düşünmeliyim
consider it solved hallolmuş bil consider it done! interj. oldu bil! if we consider göz önünde bulundurduğumuzda consider what's best forsomeone birinin iyiliğini düşünmek you should consider that bunu hesaba katmalısınız
The audience was very much entertained by the show.(eylendirmek) entertain a guest v. misafir ağırlamak entertain hope v. ümide kapılmak entertain the children with a game v. çocukları bir oyunla eğlendirmek entertain the possibility
v. ihtimali göz önünde bulundurmak Let me entertain you.- Sizi ağırlamama izin verin. They entertained us atdinner.- Bizi akşam yemeğinde ağırladılar.
Give him my regards. (saygi,hormet) They regarded him as their leader.(hesab etmek,saymaq) hold- in- high- regard v. hayran olmak pay regard tov. dikkate almak (with) regard to prep. ile ilgili olarak in regard to prep. - e gelince
out of regard for somebody in hatırı iç in Give them my regards. - saygilarimi ilet onlara
regard as v. gözü ile bakmak , gibi saymak,kabul etmek regard as a stranger v. yadırgamak regard as an enemy v. düşman gözüyle görmek regard as impossible v. imkansız gözüyle görmek
Kyoto is worth visiting. It's worth it. This movie is worth seeing. non- worth mentioning adj. sözünü etmeye değmez not worth remembering adj. hatırlanmaya değmeyen worth dying for adj. uğruna ölmeye değer worth dying for adj. uğruna ölmeye değer worth the expense adj. masraf yapmaya değer
for what it is worth ne pahasına olursa olsun life's worth living hayat yaşamaya değer not worth worrying about endişelenmeye değmez
fakat. ragmen It's expensive though. Though he tried hard, nothing changed. (ragmen,yine de) though- minded adj. duygusuz though just barely zar zor da olsa what though - se ne fark eder
even though conj. olmasına rağmen even though it was too late çok geç olsa da thanks though yine de sağ ol Though it was raining, we playedfootball.
When did this occur? The accident occurred on Friday. (olmaq,bas vermek) (an earthquake) to occur v. deprem olmak (an idea) occur tosomeone v. aklına bir fikir gelmek (an idea) occur to someone v. aklına bir fikir gelmek
A misunderstanding occurs.- Bir yanlış anlaşılma meydana geldi. Why did this occur? - Bu neden oldu ?
Stealing is wrong. He was fired for stealing.(ogurlamaq) steal someone's heart v. kalbini çalmak steal someone's time v. vaktini çalmak
that's a steal çok ucuz, sudan ucuz
We captured the thief. He chased the thief. We caught the thief. (ogru) the thief of my heart n. kalbimin hırsızı
I like your personality. (sexsiyyet,sexsi keyfiyyet) colorful personality n. renkli kişilik developed personality n. oturmuş kişilik
yurt disi,xaric I returned from abroad. He studied abroad. Have you been abroad? noise something abroad dedikodu yaymak I have never been abroad.
They cheered loudly. Everyone's cheering. He is always cheerful. (tezahurat etmek,neselendirmek) cheer up v. ferahlamak ,nesenelnmek cheer somebody up v. moral vermek cheer on alkışla cesaret vermek
He died from lack of oxygen. (- un yoxlugu) He failed, due to lack of money.He lacks experience.(- dan yoxsun) lack of attention n. dikkatsizlik lack ofconfidence n. güvensizlik
Sentences of the world, unite! The two companies plan to unite. (birlesmek) be unable to unite v. birlik olamamak unite forces v. güçlerinibirleştirmek unite under a single flag v. bir bayrak altında toplamak unite against - e karşı birleşmek unite for something bir şey iç in birleşmekunite together bir araya getirmek
let us all unite hadi hepimiz birlik olalım may god unite you again! allah kavuştursun
He was my business associate.(is ortagi) We associate Darwin's name with the theory of evolution. (elaqleendirmek,cagrisdirmak) associate with v. bağdaştırmak , is birligi yapmak associate something to something else bir şeyi başka bir şeyle ilişkilendirmek a formerbusiness associate of mine eski bir iş ortağım associate in crime suç ortağı
We often associate black with death. Don't associate with such people.
a warm environment n. samimi bir ortam Protect the environment! factories pollute the environment. We are influenced by our environment. be sensitive to the environment v. çevreye duyarlı olmak create a mutual trust environment v. karşılıklı güven ortamı oluşturmak humid environment n. nemli ortam warm home environment sıcak ev ortamı
Tom was involved in a fistfight. I heard of his involvement in crime. (qarismaq,daxil olmaq) involve c losely v. yakından ilgilenmek involve expensesv. masraf ç ıkarmak involve oneself in a crime v. suça bulaşmak involve someone in something v. birin bir şeye bulaştırmak Why did you getinvolved?
Don't get me involved.- Beni karistirmayin This doesn't involve you.- Bu sizi ilgilendirmez.
Give me a tip. (bahsis) The tip of the key broke. (uc) be broken at the tipv. ucundan kırılmak expect a tip v. bahşiş beklemek leave tip v. bahşişbırakmak i tip my hat to this ben buna şapka ç ıkarırım it's just the tip ofthe iceberg bu sadece buzdağının görünen kısmı
let me give you one little tip size küçük bir ipucu vereyim tip o" the cops polise ihbarda bulunmak be on the tip of one's tongue v. dilinin ucunda olmak
Bring them along. (yaninca) We met along the way. They strolled along the beach.(boyunca) can not get along with the people around v.çevresi ile geçinememek get along v. uyuşmak get along with v. ile anlaşmak go along v. aynı düşüncede olmak muddle along v. iyi kötü idareetmek never get along with v. hiç anlaşamamak
all along adv. ta başından , basindan beri Come along. - Bizimle gel Tom took Mary along. - Tom Mariyi yaninda goturdu
Opposites attract.(cezb etme, cekmek) Flowers attract bees. Mary is attractive.(cekici,cezbedici) attract a great deal of attention v.yoğun ilgi görmek attract one's interest v. ilgisini uyandırmak I find her appearance attractive.
Further investigation is required.(daha cox) I have no further questions. Wait until further notice.(daha basqa,daha sonraki) carry a step further v. bir adım ileriye taşımak damage further v. daha fazla zarara uğratmak enter into further detail v. ayrıntılara girişmek have a further meaning v. daha öte anlam taşımak further discussion n. daha ayrıntılı tartışma
further information n. daha fazla bilgi till further notice adv. yeni bir talimat verilene kadar don't let it go any further burada olup biten buradakalsın see no further than the end of one's nose işin sonunu düşünmemek how much further? ne kadar yolumuz kaldı? this far, no furtherbenden bu kadar
Are you implying something? I wasn't implying anything. (ima etmek,ehyam vurmaq) She implied that she would like to come with us. I knowwhat you're implying, and I don't like it.
I think otherwise.(basqa cur) I have to go, otherwise I'll arrive late.(eks halda) unless otherwise proven adv. aksi ispatlanmadıkça i neverwould have found you otherwise başka türlü seni asla bulamazdım you must hurry otherwise you will be late acele etmelisin aksi haldegecikeceksin Our data suggest otherwise. - Verilerimiz aksini belirtiyor.
how are you otherwise? daha daha nasılsınız?
Japan is situated in Asia. (yerlesmek)Austria is situated in Central Europe. well- situated hali vakti yerinde
Tom examined it c losely.(incelemek) I will examine your report. examine a patient v. hastayı muayene etmek examine in detail v. detaylıincelemek
That is rather unexpected.(olduqca) I'd rather live alone. (tercih etmek) had rather do something v. (yapmayı) tercih etmek rather thanconj. - den daha ziyade , - dense I'd rather face a firing squad than do this bunu yapacağıma kurşuna dizilmeyi tercih ederim rather you than meyerinde olmak istemezdim
I'd rather not go bana kalsa gitmem i had rather go bana kalırsa giderim i'd rather die on my feet than die on my knees diz çöküp ölmektenseayakta ölmeyi tercih ederim. i'd rather not say söylememeyi tercih ederim
We barely spoke.(zornan) Tom could barely walk.(gucnen belaynan,birteher) barely escape with one’s life v. hayatını zor kurtarmak barelyrecover v. yeni yeni kendine gelmek barely visible adj. zar zor görünebilen barely put one foot in front of the other adım atacak haliolmamak I can barely a"ord for my bills faturalarımı zar
i barely came home zar zor eve geldim though just barely zar zor olsa da we barely spoke iki ç ift lafı zor ettik we barely stayafloat zor ayakta duruyoruz
He was assigned a task.(teyin etmek,atamak) A new room was assigned to me. assign a date v. bir tarih kararlaştırmak assign a di"erent meaning to v. farklı anlam yüklemek assign a duty v. görev vermek assign to categories v. kategorilere ayırmak Tom was assigned to Boston.
target audience n. hedef dinleyici The audience appeared bored.(tamasaci) The audience looked confused. meet with the audience v. seyirci ile buluşmak entire audience n. izleyic ilerin tamamı tv audience n. televizyon izleyic ileri vast audience n. geniş izleyic i kitlesi reachthe target audience hedef kitleye ulaşmak
Competition is good.(reqabet) You have competition.(yarisma) be in competition with v. rekabete girmek enter in a competition v. yarışmaya girmek beauty competition n. güzellik yarışması
attach great importance to ... (onem,ehemiyyet) acknowledge one's importance v. önemini bilmek attach particular importance to v. aşırı önem vermek give a lot of importance to v. çok önem vermek give a lot of importance to v. çok önem vermek maintain its importance v. önemini korumak importance of friendship n. arkadaşlığın önemi
of paramount importance adj. herşeyden önemli
The salesman demonstrated how to use the machine.(numayis etmek,gostermek) demonstrate ability v. yetenek göstermek demonstrate oneself v. kendini kanıtlamak demonstrate skill v. maharet göstermek demonstrate against - e karşı gösteri düzenlemek
We need evidence.(subut) The evidence was in his favor. accept as an evidence v. delil olarak kabul etmek accept as an evidence v. delil olarak kabul etmek leave evidence behind him v. arkasında delil bırakmak prove something based on evidence v. birşeyi delile dayanarak ispatlamak
Honesty is polic y.(durustluk) Your honesty is refreshing. make no concessions of honesty v. dürüstlükten ödün vermemek in all honesty açık söylemek gerekirse I appreciate your honesty.
Tom needs proper medical treatment.(uygun) Tom is the proper boy for the job. take the proper steps v. gereken önlemleri almak a properman n. düzgün bir adam a proper work n. düzgün bir iş proper conditions n. uygun şartlar proper nutrition n. düzenli beslenme at the propertime adv. uygun zamanda
if considered proper uygun görülürse
in the proper meaning of the word kelimenin tam anlamıyla
i'm awful at names how awful! it was pretty awful (rezil,berbad,korkunc) look awful v. korkunç görünmek awful accident
n. korkunç kaza god- awful adj. iğrenç it was pretty awful rezaletti
The committee consists of twelve members. Beer consists of 90% water. (ibaret olmaq,meydana gelmek) Our c lass consists of fifty boys. The atmosphere mostly consists of nitrogen and oxygen.
Everybody desires happiness. Tom has a desire to be wealthy. (arzulamaq,istemek, arzu etmek) attain one's desire v. muradına ermekattend a desire v. bir arzuyu yerine getirmek desire of god n. allahın takdiri passionate desire n. aşırı istek what's your heart's desire?gönlünden ne geçiyor?
as you desire nasıl arzu ederseniz
Tom is eager to go abroad. He is eager to meet her again. (istekli,arzulu) be eager to adopt v. evlat edinmeye çok hevesli olmak take aneager interest in v. bir konuda hevesli olmak eager for adj. - e istekli eager to learn öğrenmeye hevesli
This store carries household equipment. She was busy with household work. (ev,ev adamlari, meiset) a must for every household n. her eve lazım head of household n. evin direği Many household c leaners contain poison. Is the householder at home?- Ev sahibi evde mi? Tom was part of our household.
That wasn't my intent. She is intent on mastering French. I have no intention of asking him. (niyyet) be intent on f. kararlı olmak be intent on doing something f. bir şeyi yapmaya kararlı olmak with intent to ed. niyetiyle with the intent of ed. amacıyla with the intent of ed. amacıyla
You did this intentionally!- Bunu bilerek yaptın!
He often paints landscapes. He took a picture of the beautiful landscape. (menzere,peyzaj) landscape picture i. manzara resmi a blot on thelandscape manzarayı bozan kötü görüntü He often paints landscapes. The landscape is magnificent.
I can't lift my right arm. Tom is lifting weights (qaldirmaq,yerdengoturmek). give somebody a lift v. arabayla götürmek give a lift f. arabaylagötürmek give somebody a lift f. birini arabayla götürmek give somebody alift to hotel f. otele bırakmak go up in the lift f. asansörle ç ıkmak lift heavythings f. ağır şeyler kaldırmak
lift the veil of mystery f. sır perdesini aralamak lift up one's voice f. sesiniyükseltmek take the lift down to f. asansörle inmek lift- o" i. havalanma(roket) lift up your shirt tişörtünü kaldır lift one's elbow aşırı içmek liftsomeone's spirit moralini düzeltmek
isare etmek,hereket etmek,teklif etmek Tom motioned Mary to stay. The motion was unanimously adopted. make a motion f. teklifte bulunmakset something in motion f. bir şeyi başlatmak in motion zf. hareket halinde in slow motion zf. ağır çekimde
motion for someone to do something birine bir şey yapması iç in elle işaret etmek
I can't keep pace with you.(keep pace - ayaq uydurmaq) (temp, tempo) He was walking up the hill at a steady pace. keep pace with technology f. teknolojiye ayak uydurmak keep pace with the fashion f. modayı takip etmek pace of life i. hayatın akışı keep pace ayak uydurmak at asnail's pace kaplumbağa hızıyla
sahib olmaq,malik olmaq Who possesses his heart? Ordinary people possess enormous power. long to possess f. göz dikmek possess therequisite qualifications f. gereken şartları taşımak Tom is quite possessive.-Tom oldukça sahiplenici. Sami left all of his possessions behind.- Sami bütün varlıklarını geride bıraktı.
I thought your remark was interesting.(yorumlamaq, belirtmek,demek) I'm sick of your stupid remarks. make a remark
f. yorum yapmak/getirmek Tom's remark was insensitive.
seek a pretext v. bahane aramak seek a solution v. çözüm yolu aramak We are seeking jobs. play hide and seek f. saklambaç oynamak seek asolution f. çözüm yolu aramak seek excitement f. heyecan aramak seek revenge against someone birinden öcünü almak
tokmek Tom spilled the milk. She may spill the beans.(spill bean- agzinnanqacirmaq) spill blood f. kan dökmek spill co"ee on one’s shirt f. gömleğinekahve dökmek spill out hatred against f. öfke kusmak spill over f.taşmak spill the beans f. baklayı ağzından ç ıkarmak
nesihet vermek, nesihet If you have a friend who reminds you of God's counsel, you've got a true frien counsel someone about something birisine bir şey hakkında tavsiyede bulunmak counsel someone against something birisini bir şeye karşı uyarmak keep one's own counsel f. fikirlerini kendine saklamak
saglamak,garantilemek This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. Nobody can ensure that. assign somebody to ensure security f.güvenliği korumakla görevlendirmek Nobody can ensure that.- Kimse onu garantiye alamaz. Careful preparations ensure success.- Dikkatlihazırlıklar başarıyı garantiler.
partlayis Targeted police bus after the explosion i woke up at the sound of the explosion cause an explosion f. bir patlamaya yol açmakexplosion of laughter i. kahkaha tufanı i woke up at the sound of the explosion patlamanın sesiyle uyandım there was an explosion bir patlamaoldu
uzaq,cox uzaq I live in a remote area. He enjoys exploring remote areas. a remote chance i. uzak bir ihtimal a remote possibility i. küçük bir olasılık remote control i. uzaktan kumanda remote future i. uzak gelecek Hand me the remote.- pultu ver mene
qanad take wing f. kanatlanmak on the wing uçmakta olan take someone under one's wing birine kol kanat germek
ox,ox isaresi He shot an arrow at the deer. The arrow hit the target. arrow head i. ok ucu swift as an arrow ok gibi hızlı the arrow has already left the bow ok yaydan ç ıktı artık
yay,ox atilan yay,boyun eymek Nobody bowed to him. (boyun eymek) I sawa bow in my dream. bow respectfully before someone f. birisinin önündesaygıyla eğilmek bow to the inevitable f. kadere boyun eğmek draw thebow f. yayı germek bow to the inevitable kaderine razı olmak
niyyet etmek,niyyet I intend to go there. I intend to change jobs. intend to buy f. satın alma niyetinde olmak intend to kill f. canına kastetmekwhat I intend to say is söylemek istediğim He intended to marry her. I intend to change jobs.
kahkaha, guluw He burst into laughter.(gulmekden yarilmaq) Laughter filled the room. be bursting with laughter f. gülmekten katılmak
agac kotuyu I slept like a log.(kotuk kimi yatmaq) Tom sat on a log.easy as falling o" a log çok kolay as easy as falling o" a logtereyağından kıl çeker gibi sleep like a log f. leş gibi uyumak
askeri,esgeri The site is used for military purposes. Were you in the military? be exposed to military coup f. darbeye maruz kalmak be inconvenient for military service f. askerliğe elverişli olmamak
itaet etmek,uymak Please obey the school rules. We should obey our parents. obey a law f. kanuna uymak obey the rules of the school f. okulkurallarına uymak he that cannot obey cannot command emir alamayan emir veremez obey the cardinal rule temel kurala itaat et you cannot failto obey it mutlak surette uymak zorundasın
sabit,sarsilmaz,metanetli,davamli This bridge looks steady. He maintained a steady speed on the highway. go steady with f. devamlı flörtetmek remain steady f. istikrarlı kalmak slow and steady always wins the race yavaş ve istikrarlı olan daima kazanır as steady as a rock kayagibi sağlam v
bukmek twist one's leg v. ayağını burkmak. Tom twisted his ankle. take yet another twist f. bir aşama daha kaydetmek twist and turn f. kıvrılıp durmaktwist one's ankle f. ayak bileğini burkmak twist someone's words f. birinin sözlerini çarpıtmak twist the lion's tail f. ingilizlerin damarına basmak
twist the subject f. konuyu çarpıtmak twist together f. birbirine bağlamak send somebody round the twist tepesini attırmak twist around one'slittle finger birini kolayca kandırabilmek twist slowly in the wind gururu incinmek twist someone's arm kanına girmeye çalışmak twist someone'sarm kanına girmeye çalışmak
- digi muddetce,- mazsa We can't help you unless you help us. Unless it rains, I will go, too. unless indicated otherwise zf. aksibelirtilmedikçe unless otherwise proven zf. aksi ispat edilmedikçe unless it's really necessary çok gerekli değilse
do not use (it) unless you have to zorunda kalmadıkça kullanmayın unless something goes wrong bir aksilik olmazsa
sonuc ,netice The consequence of a wrong translation can sometimes be catastrophic . bear the consequences v. sonuçlarınakatlanmak give consequence to f. ilgi göstermek unintended consequence i. amaçlanmamış sonuç as a consequence zf. bu nedenle inconsequence of ed. sonucu olarak of no consequence zerre kadar önemi yok
felaket,facie prevent a possible disaster . Don't ask was a disaster. disaster area n. afet bölgesi impending disaster n. yaklaşmakta olan felaket in the aftermath of a disaster adv. afet sonrası
narahat etmek disturb natural balance v. doğal dengeyi bozmak disturb one’s privac y v. (birinin) özeline girmek disturb one's concentration v.konsantrasyonunu bozmak disturb the peace v. huzuru bozmak I hope I didn't disturb you rahatsız etmedim umarım
i am sorry to disturb you rahatsız ettiğim iç in özür dilerim i don't want to disturb your party partinizi bölmek istemem please do not disturb lütfenrahatsız etmeyiniz
texmin etmek,deyerlendirmek We estimate the damages to be one thousand dollars. In my estimation, he is an honest man. estimate a price v. fiyat biçmek eyeball estimate n. göz kararı a ballpark estimate takribi sayı rough estimate kaba tahmin Can you estimate its value? We estimated his losses at 100 dollars.
over estimate v. fazla değer vermek,gozunde boyutmek
seref,onur,namus defend one's honor it's an honor onur duydum it's an honor to meet y be awarded the medal of honor v. şerefmadalyasıyla ödüllendirilmek bring honor to v. onurlandırmak defend one’s honor v. namusunu korumak have the distinct honor of v. şerefine nail olmak debt of honor n. namus borcu in his honor şerefine
on my honor şerefim üzerine a matter of honor namus davası it's an honor onur duydum it is an honor to hear this from you senden bunu duymak beni onurlandırdı
that honor belongs to us o şeref bize ait
etkilemek,heyran burakmak This book profoundly impressed me. Tom seemed really impressed. fail to impress v. etkileyememek impress anidea on someone v. birine bir fikri aşılamak We were impressed. You seemed impressed.
solgun,rengi solmus You look pale. He turned pale when he heard that news. become pale v. solmak go pale v. rengi atmak as pale as adeath ceset gibi solgun pale beside someone birinin yanında sönük kalmak pale by comparison - e nazaran eksik/yetersiz You look pale.
kobud,kaba He has rough manners. You had really a rough day, haven't you? I'm roughly the same age as you. become rough v. kabalaşmak gothrough a rough period v. zor bir evreden geçmek a rough time n. zor dönem a rough diamond özünde iyi ama kaba kimse give rough edge ofone's tongue sert bir dille eleştirmek
run into rough weather sert kayaya çarpmak if the going gets rough işler zorlaşınca i've had a bit of a rough day myself biraz zor bir gün geçirdim when the going gets rough işler zorlaştığında
temin etmek,memunun etmek satisfy the requirement Does that answer satisfy you? satisfy the demands fail to satisfy v. yetersiz kalmak,beklentileri karilamamak satisfy a need v. ihtiyaç gidermek satisfy one's curiosity v. merakını gidermek satisfy one's hunger v. açlığını yatıştırmak satisfy the expectation v. beklentiyi karşılamak
satisfy the demands v. talepleri karşılamak satisfy the needs v. ihtiyaçlara cevap vermek satisfy someone with something ile hoşnut/memnun etmek nothing on earth can satisfy you gözünü toprak doyursun
bagirmaq,ciglik atmak scream at v. bağırmak scream at the top of one’s voice v. avazı ç ıktığı kadar bağırmak scream for help v. yardım istemekscream with pain v. acı ile bağırmak scream something out bağırarak söylemek scream at each other birbirlerine bağırmak
scream bloody murder ortalığı velveleye vermek scream one's head o" avazı ç ıktığı kadar bağırmak scream the place down yeri göğü inletmek so mad I could scream deliye dönmüş
don't scream at me bana bağırma
hessas,duyarli Don't be so sensitive. I have a sensitive skin. She is very sensitive to criticism. case sensitive adj. büyük küçük harfe duyarlı be sensitive to the environment v. çevreye duyarlı olmak press a sensitive spot v. can damarına basmak that's a very sensitive subject for mebenim iç in çok hassas bir konu
tehdid The atomic bomb is a great threat to humanity. Air pollution will be a threat to our survival. be under the threat of v. - in tehlikesi altındakalmak be under the threat of extinction v. (soyları/soyu) yok olma tehdidi altında olmak become a threat v. tehdit oluşturmak make a death threatagainst v. ölüm tehdinde bulunmak
see something as a threat v. tehdit olarak görmek empty threat boş tehdit
magdur,kurban,zererceken He fell a victim to a deadly disease. Stop acting like a victim. be a victim of murder v. c inayete kurban gitmekflood victim n. sel mağduru credit card victim kredi kartı mağduru
ecdad,ata,ata- baba Where are your ancestors from? All humans on Earth are descended from a common ancestor. common ancestor n. ortak ata Honor your ancestors. Where are your ancestors from? Tom' s ancestors came from Africa.
bucaq,aci You must view the matter from di"erent angles. A square has four angles. approach (an issue) from the right angle v. doğru açıdan yaklaşmak consider (a matter) from a di"erent angle v. farklı açıdan ele almak from another angle bir başka açıdan
angle for tavlamaya çalışmak, güleryüzle elde etmeye çalışmak kurnazlıkla elde etmeye çalışmak
cercive go out of the frame v. çerçeve dışına ç ıkmak put into a frame v. çerçeveye almak frame of mind n. ruhsal durum be in the right frameof mind ruhi dengesi yerinde olmak frame- up danışıklı dövüş
terif,teriflemek praise someone to the skies Everyone praised her. praise somebody to the skies v. göklere ç ıkarmak deserving praise adj. övgüye değer worthy of praise adj. övgüyü hak eden praise to god alhamdulillah
davam etmek,ilerlemek Proceed with caution. We're proceeding on schedule. proceed on one's way v. yoluna devam etmek proceed step by step v. adım adım ilerlemek proceed to another phase v. başka aşamaya geçmek we can proceed to the next step sonraki adıma geçebilirizproceed against mahkemeye vermek
batmaq,rakvina The boat is sinking. She put the dirty dishes in the sink. sink deeper into depression v. depresyona sürüklenmek sinkinto v. saplanmak,batirmak,sokmak sink into a coma v. komaya girmeksink into a deep sleep v. derin bir uykuya dalmak sink into despair v.umutsuzluğa düşmek
sink to one's knees v. dizlerinin üzerine çökmek sink without a trace v. sırra kadem basmak sink back into something (koltuğa/sedire vs.) gömülmek/uzanmak sink into oblivion maziye gömülmek sink to someone's level birisinin seviyesine inmek they left him to sink or swim onu kendi kaderine terkettiler
ustun,daha ustun His paper is superior to mine. superior ability n. üstün yetenek far superior than others v. cebinden ç ıkartmak superior- high intelligence n. üstün zeka superior skill n. üstün beceri think himself superior kendini başkalarından üstün görmek
qalin,qati,yogun He wears thick glasses. The soup is thick. He has a thick neck. thick c lothes n. kalın kıyafet thick eyebrow n. kalın kaşthick fog n. yoğun sis thick rope n. kalın halat thick- shelled adj. kalın kabuklu be as thick as thieves çok sıkı dost olmak have a thick headkalın kafalı olmak
have a thick skin vurdumduymaz olmak , gonuqalin )) get this into your thick head bunu o kalın kafana sok in the thick of it en heyecanlı yerinde
through thick and thin iyi günde de kötü günde de
sarmalamaq,bukelemek,paketlemek Just wrap it up. The c ity was wrapped in fog. wrap your arms around my neck gift wrap v. hediye paketi yapmak wrap up v. sarıp sarmalamak wrap around one's little finger parmağının ucunda oynatmak,barmagina sarimaq, it's a wrap bugünlük bukadar wrap your arms around my neck kollarını boynuma dola
gelin be old/mature enough to become a bride- gelinlik çağına gelmek The bride looked very beautiful. bride and groom bride token n. başlık parası you may kiss the bride gelini öpebilirsin
qisa,qisaca Here is a brief explanation. He answered in brief. Be brief. have a brief chat v. iki satır konuşmak make a brief visit to v. kısa ziyarette bulunmak a brief delay n. kısa bir gecikme brief description n. kısa açıklama brief life n. kısa yaşam brief summary n. kısa özet go beyondone's brief haddini aşmak
during your brief stay with us bizimle kalacağınız kısa zamanda
pesinden kosmak,takib etmek Are we being chased? He's always chasing girls. chase a dream chase a cat v. kedi kovalamak chase a dream v.hayal peşinde koşmak chase a suspect v. bir şüpheliyi kovalamak chase someone around kovalayıp durmak chase up peşine düşmek go chaseyourself! defol git ve beni rahatsız etme!
a wild goose chase olmayacak birşeyin peşinden koşma
dalmak I learned to dive when I was five. dive into the crowd v. kalabalığakarışmak dive headfirst v. balıklama atlamak dive into a bag v. çantasınıkarıştırmak dive into the crowd v. kalabalığa dalmak dive in with both feetbir işe balıklama dalmak
ucret,odenis ask for a fee v. ücret talep etmek pay fee v. ücret ödemekpay school fee v. okul harcı yatırmak admission fee n. giriş ücreti entryfee n. ücretli giriş entrance fee charged giriş ücretlidir for a nominal feeadv. cüzi/çok az bir ücret karşılı
oyma heykel,heykel the thinking man sculpture n. düşünen adam heykeli museum and gallery of painting and sculpture resim ve heykel müzesi ve galerisi
kavim,qebile A savage tribe lived there in those days. lost tribe n. kayıp kabile african tribe n. afrika kabilesi ghuzz tribe
n. oğuz boyu lost tribe n. kayıp kabile A savage tribe lived there in those days.
cavanliq I smoked in my youth. You must allow for his youth. idle away one's youth v. gençliğini heba etmek idle away one's youth v.gençliğini heba etmek live one's youth v. gençliğini yaşamak waste one's youth v. gençliğini heba etmek the youth n. gençler today's youth n. zamane gençleri youth comes but once gençlik bir kere yaşanır
bloom of youth gençliğin baharı
esas,- luk periodla daily basis v. günlük be based on basis of v. esasına dayanmak form a basis v. temel oluşturmak provide a basis for v. zeminsağlamak work on a salary basis v. maaşla çalışmak work on project basis v. proje bazlı çalışmak on a daily basis adv. günlük olarak on anindividual basis adv. bireysel olarak
on a country basis ülke bazında are you on a first name basis with him? ona adıyla mı hitap ediyorsun?
tartisma,mubahise debate with someone about something Let's end this debate. It's not open to debate. debate over
v. üzerinde tartışmak spark a debate v. tartışmayı kıvılc ımlamak heated debate n. hararetli tartışma debate on something bir şeyitartışmak
buyulenmek,heyran olmaq I was fascinated by her beauty. It was a fascinating story. How fascinating! He fascinated me. That's fascinating. This book is fascinating.
buna baxmayaraq, yene de It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out. Nevertheless, I want to go there. I am tired; nevertheless, I must finish my homework. I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.
isgal,meslek,is what is your father's occupation? french occupation army of occupation my future occupation ileride olmak istediğim meslek what is your father's occupation? babanın uğraşı ne? v
xaraba,xaraba etmek They ruined my life.(mehv etmek) be in ruins v. yıkık dökük bir halde olmak be in ruins v. yıkık dökük bir halde olmak Money ruins many- Para birçok şeyi mahveder. You ruined everything. Tom ruined my weekend.
bilim adami,bilge,cox bilen islamic scholar n. islam alimi The committee consists of seven scholars.
onemli,anlamli,onemli sekilde There is no significant di"erence. My grades have improved significantly. achieve a significant breakthrough in v. önemli bir ç ığır açmak become significant v. önemli hale gelmek consider something as significant v. önemli saymak play a significant role v. önemli rol oynamak significant development n. önemli gelişme
a significant part of adj. önemli bir bölümü least significant adj. en önemsiz have significant influence on something birşey üzerinde önemli biretkisi olmak
genis Jim has broad shoulders. have a broad vision road opportunities n. geniş imkanlar have a broad repercussion in press v. basındageniş yankı bulmak broad opportunities n. geniş imkanlar broad participation n. yoğun katılım broad- minded adj. geniş fikirli ,hosgorulu inbroad daylight adv. güpegündüz
in broad terms adv. geniş anlamda
be unable to concentrate v. konsantre olamamak concentrate on bir konu üzerinde yoğunlaşmak be unable to concentrate v. odaklanamamak can not concentrate v. konsantre olamamak concentrate on v. - a yoğunlaşmak
sonuc c ikarmak,karara varmak They concluded he was lying. What do you conclude from that? conclude from v. sonuç ç ıkarmak toconclude kısacası They concluded he was lying.- Onlar onun yalan söylediği sonucuna vardılar.
emin, guvenli be confident about the future I have confidence in you. feel confident v. kendine güvenmek confident step n. emin adım self- confident adj. kendine güvenen i'm confident kendimden eminim I lack confidence.- Güven eksikliğim var. He abused my confidence. - Güvenimi suistimal etti
hatra deger,ehemiyyetli Tom inherited a considerable amount of money. considerable increase attract considerable attention v. büyük ilgi çekmek take considerable steps v. önemli adımlar atmak considerable confidence n. sonsuz güven considerable e"orts n. büyük uğraşlar considerable success n. büyük başarı
a considerable amount of adj. hatırı sayılır miktarda considerable majority of adj. önemli bir çoğunluğu considerable amount of money epeyce para
iletmek,ifade etmek,catdirmaq convey a message v. mesaj iletmek .convey my regards to your family. convey his/her thoughts convey anapology v. özür sunmak convey an apology v. özür sunmak convey his/her thoughts v. düşüncelerini aktarmak convey one's regards to v. (birine)selamlarını iletmek convey one's condolences v. taziyelerini iletmek
convey one's thanks v. teşekkürlerini iletmek convey my regards to your family ailene hürmetlerimi ilet Words cannot convey my feelings.- Sözlerduygularımı iletmez.
don't mind me
bana aldirma,bana bakma
if you don't mind me saying sormamda bir sakınca yoksa if you don't mind me asking eğer sormamda bir sakınca yoksa
start o"
baslamaq,baslangic yapmak start o" from (yolculuğa vb) - den başlamak be o" to a bad start kötü bir başlangıç yapmak be o" to a greatstart iyi bir başlangıç yapmak start o" with a bang büyük bir heyecanla başlamak start o" with a c lean slate temiz bir sayfa açmak
This season of Survivor! is starting o" even better than I expected.
gunahini etiraf etmek I must confess that itiraf etmeliyim ki He confessed his crime. He hasn't confessed yet.
kapali alan indoor pool n. kapalı yüzme havuzu indoor area kapalı alan Keep the kids indoors.- Çocukları içeride tutun. Do you wear shoesindoors?- İçeride ayakkabı giyer misin?
exlaqi,menevi give somebody moral support v. moral vermek raise the moral v. moralini yükseltmek moral and ethical aspects n. ahlaki ve etik yönler moral and material support n. maddi ve manevi destek moral breakdown n. ahlaki bozulma moral force n. manevi güç
moral values n. manevi değerler This is morally wrong.- Bu ahlaken yanlış. What's the moral of this story? - Bu hikayeden alınacak ders nedir? Hislife is a moral example to everyone.
serve up
servis yapmak,sufreye qulluq serve a very important purpose v. çok önemli bir amaca hizmet etmek serve as a soldier v. askerliğini yapmakserve food v. yemek servis etmek serve up v. yemeği sofraya koymak
in additional
ilaveten,ayrica ek olarak.. in additional to prep. ilaveten In addition to English, he speaks German. I had to pay 5 dollars in addition.- İlaveten 5dolar ödemek zorunda kaldım.
directly accountable for
direk sorumlu olmak Women never holding themselves accountable for their actions Will anybody be held accountable for chemical attacks in Syria? It's like people are holding him accountable for his behavior.
directly associated with
direk uyumlu olmak Cognitive performance, productivity, and health benefits are directly associated with getting more sleep each night #Religious education is actually directly associated with lower educational performance
throughout history
tarix boyunca Throughout its history, Yemen has experienced 11 c ivil wars. Throughout history, each king has inherited/designed his legac y.
according to the statistics
istatistiklere göre According to statistics, world population is on the rise According to the statistics, crash rates for #teendrivers in Wisconsin are higher than the US average:
according to legend
efsaneye gore According to legend, those woods used to be haunted, so people would avoid entering.
according to the current conditions
movcud sertlere gore
according to the claim
iddiaye gore According to the c laim, humanity is less than 7,000 years old,
by chance
tesadufen find by chance v. tesadüfen bulmak meet (someone/something) by chance v. yoluna ç ıkmak Nothing happens by chance. I met her by chance.
due to
- yuzunden,- den dolayi lose hair due to stress v. stresten saçları dökülmek due to compelling reasons adv. zorunlu nedenlerle due to reasons beyond our control adv. elimizde olmayan sebeplerle due to a technical problem teknik bir sorundan dolayı
due to health reasons sağlık nedenleriyle due to the same reason aynı neden yüzünden all praise is due to allah elhamdulillah This money isdue to you.- Bu para senin sayende. Due to illness, she cannot come.
remain composed
sogukkanliligini korumak
remain insensitive
duyarsiz kalmak We can’t remain insensitive about what is going on in #Iran. Humanity should not remain insensitive when inhumane acts arecommitted. How long government will remain insensitive to the woes of NHM employees:
sadece, yalnizca,tekce be intended merely for information purposes v. bilgi mahiyetinde olmak outer beauty is merely superficial fiziksel güzellik yüzeyseldir It's merely a joke.
at the first/earliest opportunity
ilk fursetde I will see him at the first opportunity.
strength of purpose
Ezim,irade Working hard becomes a sign of strength of purpose, not lack of ability. She's wonderful after losing a daughter her strength of purposeis breathtaking bet you her daughter was amazing to...
gain strength
guc almaq Eat more, or you won't gain strength. Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing. hurricanes Jose and Katia gain strength
argue about
movzusunda tartismak argue with someone about something v. Stop arguing about money. What were they arguing about? I can argue about seklusyon the whole day Dnt argue about Religion
lack of self- confidence
ozguven eksikligi
lack of education
lack of interest
lack of confidence
clearly seen
aciqca gorunur Stars can be seen c learly in this area.
if well meaning
deyim yerindeyse
equal treatment
esit muamele,refdar
regard as a stranger
get reaction
tepki cekmek
target audience
hedef kitle
cradle of civilization
medeniyet beşiği
dogrulugunu anlamaq,qebullenmek
Above all
her seyden once,her sey bir qiraga
take seriosly
c iddiye almaq
qiymetsiz,paha bicilemez
bay merakli,cox soru soran
come in handy
iwe yaramaq
life threating
heyati derecede,heyati onem kesb eden
prone to
..- ye meyille olmaq
inhabitans of..
.. - nin yerli sakinleri
acliq,die of starvation
enduring respect
sonsuz saygi
pass out
bayilmak,kendinden gecmek
ufuk,sighted on horizon
ort basdir etmek,gizlemek
whatever it takes
neye malolursa olsun
kucuk dusurmek,asagilamak
kucuk dusurlmuw,asaglanmiw
I can handle it
ustesinden gelirim
i don't know if i can handle
başa ç ıkabilir miyim bilmiyorum
i would handle it
ben hallederim
wuur alti,bilinc alti,be imbedded in his subconscious
takla atmak,yuvarlanmak
back down
sozunnen donmek,geri cekilmek. back down from- vazgeçmek
let's get it straight
açıklığa kavuşturalım
qisa,qisa ve oz, make a brief visit- kısa ziyarette bulunmak, brief speech- kısa konuşma, in brief- özetleyecek olursak,qisacasi,xulase
make money o" . . .
..- den pul qazanmaq,someone is making moneyo" the back of someone else's su"ering
All the while
her zaman ,hemiseki kimi,butun bunlar olarken
mantikli,akillica,seem / sound reassonable- mantikli gelmek,reasonable cause- mentiqi sebebi, find reasonable- uygun bulmak
yanlis yol gistermek,yaniltici,The title is misleading.First impressions can often be misleading.I didn't want to mislead anyone.|
|cahil, ignorance- cahillik, Be as quiet as a book, when you are with the ignorant
let me get this straight
wunu bir iyice anayalim
turn into
|deonusmek,cevrilmek turn into a chance - şansa dönüştürmek , turn into an advantage v. avantaja dönüştürmek , Jesus turned water intowine. Low temperatures turn water into ice
loose end
| yarim kalmis iw
dive headfirst
| baliklama dalmaq, suya bas vurmaq
go hand in hand
paralel getmek,bir arada yurytmek , Theory and practice should go hand in hand ,Fame doesn't always go hand in hand with success. ,conquer one's heart | kalbini fethetmek , conquer people's hearts
from now on
|bundan sonrasi ucun,bundan sonra etibaren Study harder from now on. ,Be more careful from now on. ,From now on, I promise to bepunctual.
go behind someone's back
| kiminse arxasindan is cevirmek, How dare you go behind my back!
indi"erent to . . . kayitsiz kalmak,...- ni umursamamamak They are indi"erent to politics - Siyasetle alakaları yoktur. ,The police were indi"erent to thematter. - Polis konuya ilgisizdi.
but becouse of the aforementioned reasons...
| amma adini cekdiyim sebeblerden dolayi
after completing the degree
| unversteti bitirdikden sonra
due to the goverment level issues
| olke sevyesinde problemlerden dolayi
passionate about . . .
| ... - yle ilgili tutkulu
might think it is . . . but I would say it is the opposete
| .. oldugunu dusune bilerler ancaq mence tam ekisdi
regarding the . . . .
... ile ilgili ise
work enviroment
| iw muhiti
in other words . .
| basqa sozle desek ....
From climate to the culture and pshycology of the nation are totally di"rent
| medeniyetinden qilimine insanlarin psixologiyasina kimi tamamile ferqlidir
family tires are too strong in my country
aile baglari biim olkede cox gulcudur
I am very happin in Irland if we exclude the climate for sure
| Iralndiyada cox xosbextem tebiiki iqlimi c ixsaq
They care too much about social criticism
|Onlar sosial qinagi cox onemseyirler
I can't feel the same closeness with my friend
| dostlarimla eyni cox yaxinligi hiss ede bilmirem
lifestyle is somewhat di"rentt too
| heyat terzi de biraz ferqlidir
whole di"erent
| tamamile ferqli
I broke many stereotypes
| bir cox streotipleri qirdim
Leaving comfort zone educates you
| komfrot zonani terk etmen seni egitir
sense of being . . . .
| olma duygusu
of course it is incomporable with . . .
| elbette ..ile muqayise edilemez
Irish peaople are easy- going
| irlandiyalilar uyumlu,rahat insanlardir
. . . . associated with
| ile elaqelendirilmek Most time being drunk is associated with fight and agression
I consider . . .
| hesab edirem ki .....
people should be evaluated as an individual
| insanlar ferdi deyerlendirilmelidir
in any case
| her harukalda , ne olur olsun
what is this supposed to mean ?
| Ne demek oluyor simdi bu ?!
what is this supposed to be ? | Ne demek oluyor simdi bu ?!
Not to worry
| endiselenme , dert etme !
beklenti excite someone's anticipation v. beklentilerini yükseltmek , in anticipation beklenti iç inde , I anticipated trouble.- Ben sorun olacağını umuyordum. What results do you anticipate? - Hangi sonuçları bekliyorsunuz? , I anticipate a good vacation. - İyi bir tatil umuyorum. I didn't anticipate this. - Bunu beklemiyordum
payment by anticipation n. peşin ödeme , in anticipation adv. önceden
sućce it to say that
yalnız şu kadarını söyleyeyim ki
sućce - yetmek , kafi gelmek , bes elemek
hit the road
yola c ixmaq , yola dusmek , I'm hitting the road. , Can we hit the road? , We're about to hit the road. ,
in a sense
bir bakıma ,bir anlamda take a word in the wrong sense v. yanlış anlamak , in a broad sense adv. geniş anlamda , in a literary sense adv. edebi manada , in a literary sense adv. edebi anlamda , in a real sense adv. hakiki manada , It is true in a sense. - bu bir bakima dogru !
In a sense, you are right. - bir bakima , haklisin
fall into place
anlamlı gelmeye başlamak , taşlar yerine oturmak , everything falling into place
indicative of
- in belirtisi , - e isare etmek , - in gostergesi Score not indicative of how Ronaldo is playing tonight
come to decision
karara varmak,qerara gelmek
I rest my case
deyecegim bu kadar, ben deyecegimi dedim , soyleyecklerim bu kadar
count on
guvenmek ,bel baglamaq , inanmaq I am counting on you- sana guveniyorum , He is counting on me | bana guveniyor
without excemption
istisnasiz without any excemption
your honor
sayin yarqic , sayin hakim
where have you been?
nerelerdeydin ? harda qaldin hardaydin ?
anlayissiz , dusuncesiz , dusuncesiz
start over
sil bastan baslamaq,yendien balsmaq , I'm gonna start over
sneak up on . . . gizlice yaklasmak , sinsice yaklasmak , Old age sneaks up on you - yaslilik sinsice yaklasir
. . . may be required
... gerekebilir , A compromise may be required. ,A permit may be required for collecting insects
. . out of your league
.. senin harcın değil , she's out of your league kız senin dengin değil , i am way out of your league ben sana fazla gelirim
pull up a chair
cek bir sandalye , pull up a chair and sit down! bir iskemle çekip otur!
leave a mark
iz birakmak, leave a mark on v. üzerinde işaret bırakmak , leave a negative mark v. olumsuz bir iz bırakmak , leave a question mark overminds v. kafalarda soru işareti yaratmak
get used to . .
alismaq,oyresmek you get uset to the smell , I'm getting used to this. - buna alisiyorum
at long last
en sonunda , nehayetkii ! At long last my books have arrived from amazon
sućce it to say that
yalnız şu kadarını söyleyeyim ki
sućce - yetmek , kafi gelmek , bes elemek
in a sense
bir bakıma ,bir anlamda take a word in the wrong sense v. yanlış anlamak , in a broad sense adv. geniş anlamda , in a literary sense adv. edebi manada , in a literary sense adv. edebi anlamda , in a real sense adv. hakiki manada , It is true in a sense. - bu bir bakima dogru !
In a sense, you are right. - bir bakima , haklisin
indicative of
- in belirtisi , - e isare etmek , - in gostergesi Score not indicative of how Ronaldo is playing tonight
I rest my case
deyecegim bu kadar, ben deyecegimi dedim , soyleyecklerim bu kadar
on the contrary
tam eksine, tam tersine Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.
with regard to
- e gelince , - e haqqinda ise Healthy food isn’t always tasty. But with regards to bananas, this isn’t the case. What's your opinion with regard tothis matter?
heybetli , ezemetli,gorkeml majestic mountains n. heybetli dağlar , majestic tiger
kucumsemek , hafife almaq , c iddiye almamaq
sinsice izlemek , gizlince gudmek Tom is stalking me. Tom was being stalked by a serial killer.
Last, . . .
son olarak , ...
Almost there
neredeyse geldik! , demek olarki catdiq !
kritik , muhum , onemli play a crucial role v. önemli bir rol oynamak , crucial developments n. önemli gelişmeler , the crucial point n. can alıc ı nokta , it is crucial to state that önemle belirtmek gerekir ki
more haste more waste
telesen tendire duser , acele ise seytan karisir
da daxil , kapsamli, ic ine alan be inclusive of v. kapsamak , all inclusive adj. her şey dahil,genis kapsamli , inclusive of prep. dahilinde
ureklendirici, cesaret verici , tesvik edici
in terms of . .
.. acisindan , ... baximindan , .. ile bagli , in terms of law adv. kanun açısından , in terms of economy adv. ekonomik bakımdan , in terms of quality adv. kalite yönünden ,Spring- Boot, in terms of configuration, is very easy compared to Spring MVC.
brief explanation
qisa aciqlama , Can you give me a brief explanation and a sample in using @PathVariable in spring mvc?
you better . .
... etsen iyi ederin , you better believe it inansan iyi edersin , you better get dressed giyinsen iyi olurdu , you better kill me beni öldürsen iyi edersin , you better let me do this bunu bana bıraksan iyi edersin
You better not say that.
tapinmak , tapmak fire worship f. ateşe tapmak devil- worship i. şeytana tapma Worship God everyday;not just in times of adversity. They allworship the same god. A church is a place of worship.
barren , infertile
kisir , sonsuz (infertile) , verimsiz The barren land could produce little food. Thousands of women are infertile as a result of botched abortions. New medical techniques provide hope for infertile couples.
just in case
ne olur olmaz , her ehtimala qarsi just in case something happens acil bir şeyler olursa Take an umbrella just in case. Some people take afully charged spare battery along with them just in case!
What's your point ?
ne demeye calsiirsan ? ne demek istyrsen ? anlatmaq istediyin nedir ? What's your point of view on nuclear power?
i'm scared
korkuyorum I'm scared to fly in an airplane. did i tell you i'm scared of heights? sana yüksekten korktuğumu söylemiş miydim? I'm scared of thedark, too!
i can't take it anymore
artık daha fazla dayanamıyorum , buna artık dayanamıyorum i can't take this anymore
donum noqtesi, important milestone in someone's life hayatındaki/yaşamındaki önemli bir dönüm noktası important milestone insomeone's life hayatındaki/yaşamındaki önemli bir dönüm noktası This victory was a milestone in our country's history. So its successmarks a significant milestone for the local industry. will be a milestone in scientific history
takinti , saplanti , become an obsession v. takıntı haline gelmek , have obsession v. takıntısı olmak Fitness has become an obsession withhim. . His obsession with computers began six months ago. His interest in guns started harmlessly enough,( but later it became an obsession.
yuzeysel , superficial examination n. yüzeysel inceleme outer beauty is merely superficial asıl güzellik yürektedir superficial layer yüzeysel katman He has got a superficial wound. Beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone.
enjoy your stay
iyi eğlenceler , kaldığın sürenin tadını ç ıkar I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Did you enjoy your stay in Prague?
don't push me
beni buna zorlama , beni zorlama ,meni mecbur etme
take the wheel
direksiyon basina gecmek, direksiyona gec ! I'm rather tired; will you take the wheel?
yogunluk bilmeden , usanmaksizin , yorulmaksizin They have worked tirelessly to make living conditions better.
ezber , ezberleme based on memorization s. ezbere dayalı This reduces the burden of memorization and helps you learn faster. He complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation.
in need of . . .
... gereksenimi icerisinde olmak , .. ehtiyacinda olmaq , Tomorrow is gon be a hard day, am in great need of rest ,Today India is in great needof people like you sir person in need of nursing i. bakıma muhtaç kimse persons in need of help i. muhtaçlar in need of repair s. tamire muhtaç in case of need ihtiyaç durumunda The bike is in need of replacement. The refugees are urgently in need of food and medicalsupplies.
Perhaps they are in need of our help.
c ileden c ikarmak She was enraged at his stupidity. His arrogance enraged her.
ruwvet accept a bribe f. rüşvet almak o"er a bribe f. rüşvet teklif etmek The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me. He tried to bribe the police into connivance. He resolutely refused their bribe.
dark side
bilinmyeen terefu , karanlik yuzu dark side of the moon i. ayın karanlık kalan kısmı Don't look at the dark side of things.
non- person
sikic i tip
step on
ayaqla ezmek , ayaqgla basmaq, step on a banana peel v. muz kabuğuna basmak , don't step on the grass ç imlere basma , step on theaccelerator v. gaza basmak , step on it! gaza bas! I'm sorry, did I step on your foot? Hark! I hear a step on the stair!
kotu kokmak , igrenc kokmak
I gotto pee
c iwim var, iwemek isteyirem
nice of you to come
ne yaxsiki geldin, ne iyi etdin de geldin,
not because . . . but because conj. için değil ancak …
Be happy not because everything is good but beacuse you can see good in everything
beyond comprehension
akil alamaz , akli alamamal=k . It's beyond comprehension for me. That baby didn't have to die. His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension .
you were supposed to be here at eight in the morning
sabah 8'de burada olmalıydınız
azim , hirs || ambition to work i. çalışma azmi , ambition to make money i. para kazanma hırsı be driven by one's ambition
f. hırsıyla hareket etmek be overwhelmed by one's ambition f. hırsına yenik düşmek have an ambition f. hırs yapmak ambition to make money i. para kazanma hırsı ambition to work i. çalışma azmi Ambition never dies until there is no way out.
Her prime motive was personal ambition.
obsessed with . . .
( kafayı takmış , why are you so obsessed with me? sen niye bana taktın? be obsessed with someone f. (birisine) kafayı takmak Whyare people so obsessed with money?
cross finger
sans dilemek , dua etmek , cross one's fingers for someone birisine şans dilemek , cross your fingers for me benim iç in dua et
stay true
kararindan donmemek, sadiq qalmaq
justice has been served
adalet yerini buldu !
we will do all we can to help you
size yardim ede bilmek ucun elimizden geleni edecik
astonished to
bir şeye hayret etmek He was astonished to hear he had got the job.
in terms of . . . . .
... baximindan , .... acisindan , .. yonunden be lucky in terms of f. yönünden şanslı olmak meaningful in terms of timing s. zamanlamaaçısından manidar in terms of law zf. kanun açısından in terms of economy zf. ekonomik yönden in terms of quality zf. kalite yönünden interms of population nüfus bakımından
up to now
indiye qeder, şu ana kadar bu zamana kadar
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